Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 10, 2010
16:47:22 MST

Canyonlands, Needles District ©mposinoff images 2005

"The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can be summed up in a single sentence:
Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle is not."

-Bo Lozoff

Here is an excerpt from an author who apparently attended Kripalu in western MA.

Creating a Meditation Practice
An excerpt from Devotion: A Memoir, by Dani Shapiro
After returning home from Kripalu, I promised myself that each day I would practice metta meditation for at least fifteen minutes. Having been on retreat for three days, I didn’t think this was a particularly tall order. Surely I had the discipline to sit still for fifteen minutes. To prepare, I ordered an elaborate meditation cushion, and a timer that was supposed to chime with the sound of Tibetan bells. The meditation cushion with its three-legged plastic base shaped like a flying saucer proved uncomfortable and strange; the timer’s chimes sounded like the electronic ring of a regular alarm clock. So I gave up on props and tried just to sit, using the comforting metta phrases that Sylvia Boorstein had taught.

May I feel protected and safe; may I feel contented and pleased … My mind would break through the words almost instantly. Gotta call the dentist. When’s the school picnic? These first thoughts were all on the level of the utterly mundane. I tried to be a neutral observer—to simply watch the thoughts as if they were clouds in the sky—but it was difficult. I was full of self-judgment. This was what was in my mind? My first layer of consciousness felt like a trash can full of Post-its® and to-do lists.

May my physical body support me with strength; may my life unfold smoothly with ease. I couldn’t get all the way through these four brief phrases without some bit of detritus from my daily life intruding. Why hasn’t that health insurance reimbursement come in yet? It seemed impossible to quiet down. Again and again, I was overcome by an intense desire to open my eyes, to move, to check the timer—to stop. The desire felt physical—an uncomfortable surge of energy. As soon as one passed, another would start up again.

On some days I discovered that I was able to tolerate these surges of energy for at least a little while. And when I did, I began to see the endless, circular monologue beneath them. No wonder I didn’t want to go there! Worry, fear, doubt, resentment, envy, anxiety, comparison, sadness—apparently these were the themes of the complicated stories churning through my head. Rather than being like a still, clear pool of water—an image often used in visualizations—my mind was a stagnant pond badly in need of dredging. The checklists and tasks were the debris floating on the surface. Either way, it was murky territory, and I didn’t want to go there.

But go there I continued to do—because really, what was the alternative? I had gotten a peek at the enemy, and she was me. If worry, fear, doubt, resentment, et al. were part of the fabric of my inner life, didn’t I need to know about it? Each day it took longer and longer to prepare myself to meditate; simply plunking myself down on the floor wasn’t going to do the trick. I started to worry that this was becoming a full-time job. What was an ambitious, sociable, urban-oriented forty-five year old doing, spending her mornings sitting in dead silence with her eyes closed in a house in the middle of nowhere?

After Jacob was off to school and Michael had left for his writing studio in town, I unrolled my yoga mat. Most mornings I didn’t feel like doing this, but I had learned that it was best to ignore what I felt like doing, and instead create a ritual, a habit. I put on the decidedly unorthodox yogic mixed tape that Michael had made me: an eclectic combination of everything from Pink to Leonard Cohen. And then I did my intense hour-long physical practice, which had begun to feel, to me, like the only possible preparation for meditation. It seemed that I needed to physically exhaust myself before my mind could find any quiet.

Once the final strains of k. d. lang singing “Hallelujah” faded away, I was ready—or at least as
ready as I could make myself. I folded my legs into half-lotus and began the internal struggle to let go. I repeated Sylvia’s phrases. Focused on the out breath. Focused on the in and the out breath. Became aware of the birds chirping outside my window, the distant rumble of a truck straining uphill. What was this exploration? I was like a scientist experimenting in a laboratory of the self. I watched the thoughts come, tried to label them simply as thinking.
Why did she do that to me? I never—Thinking.How are we ever going to be able to afford—Thinking.I hope he didn’t think that I—Thinking.

The surges of energy continued. By now, I knew that these surges meant that there was more; beneath these painful, but still mostly mundane, concerns lurked something pure and deep that this simple process of sitting was stirring up. I couldn’t touch it yet. All I knew was that sitting helped—and by that, I don’t mean that it helped make me feel better. It was hard, scary, and sometimes felt silly. What was I doing? I had deadlines to meet. Students to teach. Food shopping to do. But it was helping me to make out the vaguest beginning of an outline. I was starting to see what was there.

Excerpted from the book Devotion: A Memoir, by Dani Shapiro. Copyright ©2010 by Dani Shapiro. Used by permission of Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

How true… I found out about this a long time ago and found that when I go fast I make mistakes—as well, I found out how true it is that in the sitting position breathing in Pran… the mind acts like the wild beast of the west. Hard or easy as you may believe- it takes practicing the practice to obtain clarity of the mind and the body. I found out about this during the five and a half years of living out- of- doors camping and long to return.

Something wholesome occurs to the spirit when exercising out of doors over the weeks carrying about the backpack, sleeping gear and kitchen. Something indescribable, please forgive me
should I have lost you in this.

The everydayness of this American Adventuring has a feature concerning loss of the experience
of connectedness to the energies of the soul, the animals and the growing seasons. I miss
this connectedness. Do you sense this aspect? Should I plan time to reconnect? Should I go winter-camping at GRCA this winter, once more? Your thoughts my friends?

Am grateful you have been reading my journal entries over the years. Thank you and for those newer readers…your thoughtful responses are appreciated and not wasted upon my heart.


Rock Squirrel © mposinoff images 2005

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day after Labor Day

September 7, 2010, Denver, CO
09:36:42, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…

Over the past few days we accomplished a small thing in the big-scheme of things.
…Still foreclosed-upon and homeless w/ a financial burden― that most consumers may find intolerable if it were THEM― is where we are in this interesting picture. Enough said amigos/…okay then here is the skivvy―>

DORA, the Dept. of Regulatory Agencies for the State of Colorado is the next step in re-certifying the CAC III certification I hold but allowed to lapse July, 2007. The training site took another $30. Friday and re-signed two of three certificates of completion for required classes to re-certify the credential. The credential will open a door into the Mental Hlth/ Drug/ Alcohol arena so that I may earn some $$ in the counseling game again.

As I type, the training site office girl is at her desk hopefully, [remember Pema Chodron says there is no hope …only action], remembering at some point in her day today to have this last training certificate signed by the trainer she related to me would be on-site there, this day after Labor Day. Then w/ three of three certificates and the required ppw and Jurisprudence Exam answer sheet in hand …I’m on my way downtown to hand deliver my ppw packet to recertify. This done…whenever it occurs will be a small step keen on becoming solvent and w/aquiring the means to leasing a place for me and homeless dog.

Homeless dog finds her self in a decent position. This being that she is a non-resident of the car for now and she is sleeping outside in the back yard of a house Julie is house-sitting here in Denver.

For this month so far it has not rained on her although she is mildly disgruntled I believe when the automatic lawn sprinklers come on in the still dark early morning hours. She barks the forlorn WOOF when she has to get up from her out-in-the-open Elk-resting position and move to drier digs. I spoke w/ Julie about the necessity involved to help Ellie-Mae keep her body dry in the event of the rain that is sure to come this month. We will investigate if she has keys to the garage in order that Ellie may stay dry in there.

Although I have not many doláres US left from the pay-out on the Morgan Stanley acc’t I hopefully will be able to have faith in the way things are and find the situation unique, only one of a kind and distinctive as I live in the moment and practice all the asana and breathing that goes into keeping energies clean, clear and coherent on the inside so I can stand in truth no matter what the outsides bring on. Are you following?

Are not all things living temporary in the bigger picture? I am trying to do God’s will for me and I pray that He provides me the inner wherewithal to observe the consequences of my human act.

Next item of business―> Where the hell is the Punch-Proof toilet paper? Ever notice the advertising, marketeering and promotion to the consumers regarding how soft the toilet-paper IS? Gee-whiz Wally give me a break. What we need is punch-proof not softer ‘more absorbent’ punch-through toilet paper. Who really cops to loving it when they poke the finger through the paper trying to wipe?

Thank you for seeing this through, your thoughtful comments may be helpful. Oh and not least but last…please go easier on the resources.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

If a man has done his best, what else is there?

September 2, 2010, Lakewood, CO
10:10:51, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
[Temporarily foreclosed upon and homeless with an 80-90 lb. dog in my care]

57° @ 08:00 Hours, MDT this morning outside. The weather/temperature is varying as the shift into autumn is taking its shape once again here in the middle latitudes.

Today’s meditation seems synchronistic to the situation that Homeless Dog [pronounced Homeless Doge] and myself find our-selves in today. See if this rings true for you as well…okay?

Day 166―
Meditations from the Mat, Gates and Kenison.

“If a man has done his best, what else is there?”
George S. Patton Jr.

“Because of my asana practice, I experience a deeper level of dignity in my life. Over and over again, I show up on my mat just not in the mood. Something has not gone my way, or I may simply be tired. In any case, my heart is not in it. But I start anyway. At these times, I appreciate the fact that I start with fifteen minutes of reclining pranayama, because I can fling my weary body down and lie flat on my back, arms outstretched. I stay with the breath, move through the exercise, connect to the expansiveness in my chest. I perform one sun salutation, and then I say the ancient mantra “om’ three times. “Om” is the name, sound, and vibration of divinity. I experience the name, sound and vibration of God in every cell in my body. I “om” my powerlessness, I “om” my gratitude, I “om” to end suffering of all beings. Then I begin. Some days it turns around and I get a surge of energy; some days it doesn’t. It doesn’t really matter. If I complete my practice, which is most days, I can step back and let go. I have done my best. What else is there?”
TIME…T.I.M.E. Things I Must Earn… This meditation reminds us to trust in the process and remind ourselves that when not reminded from the OUTSIDE that we have an INSIDE process that w/ practice of course and an active seeking of God’s will for us― that we can slow down and go slowly with integrities that many look to us to possess. This integrity may be doing the INSIDE work that spiritual practice leads us through. We clean house and make changes in our businesses, our approaches and stand in truth. However, it is not lost on the practitioner, me and hopefully YOU that this internal housecleaning has not-a-thing to do w/ acting-as-if in the greater Industrial-Consumer Society that America has become.

Homeless Dog and I will be temporarily given shelter at Julie’s house-sitting situation in Denver for this month. As well on the horizon is my re-certification process with DORA so that I may cobble-together and concoct a plan for on-call counseling work in Denver Metro. As soon as DORA approves my pending re-certification I will knock on doors. I intend to gain some provisional position useful in the short-term and more permanent as time goes on― one that has benefits― possibly w/ Corrections or Judicial. Time will tell, right?

Externally, the funds from the IRA have exhausted. The last 5½ yrs. living on approx. 15k per yr. is something that I recommend to you and by extension to your friends to do while you are still young and your body is still in shape. I regret none of my mistakes, joys and lessons learned since retiring at 54 y.o.
I found a food bank and the nutritional help is valuable.

The inner work presently points to this approach--> to go with the way things are in efforts to release the emotional drama that at times I’m seemingly pulled into. I remind myself to practice and do my best to release and ‘feel’ that surge of energy that this meditation speaks to. Some days I don’t, however this seems like the pathway w/ heart, integrity and truth for me and Ellie-Mae-the-homeless-dog.

The people in my life that COUNT― I have let in and they have given me gifts of awake ness and consciousness. Some who are emotionally afflicted and spiritually sick tip-toe around their own lives and others and are really of no benefit for the Inside work that this meditation seems to get in touch with. These folks are on the outer circle of acquainting and those who are present in their own lives are closest to me while Ellie-Mae and I navigate this position of becoming foreclosed upon and subsequently homeless w/ a financial burden.

This weekend in Denver is the AA State Convention and I will attend again as I have over many years. Next weekend is Kyle’s memoriam and tree-planting at the Summit County District Courthouse as well as an Arid Club member’s AA birthday and BBQ at his home. Julie and I will attend to the three, in between my trying to gain a transitional position in the field and gather some funds for a lease somewhere here in the area.
As the meditation relates it really doesn’t matter whether we feel a surge in energy…what matters most is that the practitioner completes the practice and then steps back to let it go and then go on in the Society w/ integrity. Make sense to you kids?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Foreclosed upon w/ homeless dog

September 1, 2010, Lakewood, CO
15:46:12, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
[Temporarily foreclosed upon and homeless with a 90 lb. dog in my care]

Well okay there kids, how are things INSIDE? Interesting how so much of this consumer-society here in America is strongly-focused upon things OUT THERE and External to our INNER being or spiritual side. I must remind myself or better yet be reminded to slow it down and seek the intrinsic/ intuitive answers or I become distracted like the rest of them out here.

This distraction becomes one of going fast and losing concentration. I learned a valuable lesson from my sister 20 or so years ago― about going fast never returns its weight in gold.

I emailed Robin over at Odyssey Training to request her assistance in documentation for DORA regarding the re-certification. I emailed Alan about the foreclosed upon and homeless situation in which I find myself these days.

Remember, things events and situations are temporary and we…and by extension I, have nothing to be ashamed for. Doing work on a spiritual path has helped my standing in truth and it has the effect of making me come Alive. For this I am grateful.

Remarkable as a hiker’s journal is…I am not hiking but typing as the living situation remains fluid and my sojourn from working in a career is coming to a halt. I look ahead to finding useful work in the field and over time acquire a position w/ benefits― Along-side with finding an adequate place to lease here in Denver Metro somewhere where Ellie-Mae and I will be non-homeless as we find ourselves now. I do have faith in the way things are and find it interesting.

Do you suppose this means evolving-in-spirit?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Foreclosed upon and homeless

August 31, 2010, Lakewood, CO
16:07:53, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
[Temporarily foreclosed upon and homeless with an 80-90 lb. dog in my care]

The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can be summed up in a single sentence:

Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle is not."
-Bo Lozoff

Here is the REAL DEAL kids. Today will be today all day. THERE…this is all there is and remember you’ve Arrived.

I find it usual to arrive over a few sleep periods and as well find it re-assuring to body/spirit that I come to resolution after a five hour period of conversation/discussion in dialogue w/ another. Prayer helps the process.

On the physical plane I am homeless w/ a big older dog. House was foreclosed upon and now w/o adequate funds am getting ready to 1st re-certify w/ DORA the CACIII counselor certification. 2nd obtain a residence of record. Hopefully this process (posting the Jurisprudence Exam on-line and obtaining documentation from the training site of courses completed along w/ 200$ to DORA) won’t take longer than it needs to take. W/pending certification in hand …will look to cobble together jobs to earn revenue to put down on a rental for Ellie-Mae and myself. I trust the universe will provide the where-withal for me to remain vigilant and open to the process. Homeless is interesting and scarcities of funding is similar. I trust. Will go on-line tomorrow to look for the EXAM. More later.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bad Conditions

July 8, 2010, Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600’
12:06:03, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
Bad conditions…

Ellie-Mae injured herself really badly. She limps and cries when trying to sit up from lying down.
Although the braids of Clear are lowering dramatically as the brief summer respite envelops the high country here, the hidden rocks and obstacles both in the stream bed and along the banks present muscle and joint straining dilemmas for a retriever dog that runs headlong w/ a narrow focus on retrieving the stick.

Ellie managed to at best a strain her left foreleg at worst a torn or separated tendon or ligament. Gave her an aspirin, a 220 mg. naproxen sodium tablet and a chondroitin sulfate pill mixed in w/ a milk bone and some cereal. She is resting like an elk in the big living room. I felt her leg and she does not exhibit tenderness to my touch or probing. The bones do not seem to have been broken and there are no external injuries noticeable. However, the animal has black short hair so any black and blue markings are not visible.

I was worried as she bit hard onto the last stick retrieval and walked the stick in her mouth uncharacteristically for between a 1/10th and 2/10ths of a mile before finally letting it go. She limped the nearly ½-6/10th of a mile back to the house after letting go of the stick. The stick consumed some mental energy for her as it weighed about 5 pounds and was quite round [larger than the average bicep flexed].

It is in the higher power’s power to help her rehab now.

The daily walk was the usual and until Ellie heals from her injury it will be slow for her on the walks. The walks will be truncated until then.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brief summer at elevation

July 7, 2010, Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600’
12:03:20, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
Cloudiness in and out…seems unsettled out here. If my mom’s mom were alive; today is her birthday and she would be 117 y.o.

Usual walk w/ Ellie up to High Gate and over to Lebanon mine and back. Clear Creek is slowing way down…threw the stick in three places for her… She loves the water!

Received the following via email, enjoy!

The conductor of the orchestra is Andre Rieu from Holland. The young lady, her trumpet and her rendition of TAPS makes your hair stand on end.Many of you may never have heard taps played in its entirety, for all of the men & women that have died for you to have the freedom you have in America. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss and I guarantee you'll never forget. Amazingly beautiful.

Melissa Venema, age 13, is the trumpet soloist. Here is Taps played in its entirety. The Original version of Taps was called Last Post, and was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801. It was rather lengthy and formal, as you will hear in this clip, so in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and re-named Taps on a trumpet whereby the original was played on a bugle. Enjoy!
[Attached icon is active, double click it and it will open in media player…as well please find this hyperlink to your emotional taste]

Raining now and guess what? The wildflowers are changing guard w/ the passing of this brief high altitude summer. Thundering too… oh how I love the elements at this elevation.

Oh, and remember to Enjoy your-self. After all the shopping and coffee sipping and driving and cell-phone yakking it is really all you have left to do…is not the self…your-self worthwhile enough to enjoy? Who inhabits your-real-self under the skin? Enjoy yourself…Remember Rule 62―>> don’t take yourself so seriously… Smiles to you and yours.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


June 23, 2010, Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600’
08:51:58, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…

The columbines are coming out @ 8600’ and above.

Walked Ellie-Mae the day before yesterday along the Argentine-Central grade from Plume up and over the saddle onto Guanella Pass between the G-town Water Supply and Clear Lake and back. Was about 5.5 hrs. and maybe 10- 12 miles.

A man I met this past winter from Sema on the re-construction project of lower Guannela here south of town told me that he met the teenager who died last week on a fall on the mountainside. He cried and was very touching to hear this from this man. He has a love for hiking in winter-conditions like a lot of us and seemed to need to talk. I empathize with his story and have grown a liking to him although I know him only as an acquaintance.

I love the early morning transition from Marine and Civil twilight and the coolness just before the dawn while walking Ellie. She is in good shape and yesterday we rested. Todays usual… was up the narrow-gauge to second trestle and then back and under the High Gate. Maybe a 1.5 hr. walk.

Friday, June 18, 2010


June 18, 2010, Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600’
08:12:46, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…

Yesterday, Blake and his friend rode bike’s over and stopped up to see me about sundown. He looks good on the outside. Told me he and his brother and Mom went to TX to see her bf and go all over. He sounded as if he were enjoying himself. I like that he stops by. I wonder how he is doing with the circumstances in his family, however. When he comes around by himself the opportunity to actually talk w/ him may present itself.

Here at the house the pesky plastic fire-alarms on the ceilings have for a reason unknown been ‘chirping’. The morning walk w/ Ellie-Mae up on the narrow-gauge tracks began and finished nicely. Was 38° at approx. 06:15 hours. Wore the khaki/flannel over-shirt from the donation table over at Arid.

The right leg is nearly healed and much stronger. Funny thing folks― when my body injures itself, my mind loops in those automatic thoughts telling my limbic system that…’this is the way it is going to be no matter what’. (Is this at all similar to your experiences?)…This automatic response to injury can hamper my attitude and at times, certainly does, which provides me the deleterious capability to forget about the wondrous powers of healing physically. The leg is much stronger now and all the training is paying off. Going along w/ the diet and sleep hygiene over the past weeks I’ve managed to build in rest, restfulness and the stretching asanas― to limber up. This combination talks to my being in a way that makes my attitude more confident. I am ready and in good shape to go over to NRIM for a set of hikes. Am thinking about both on the NRIM and South.

It is 08:26:09 now and the sun-up has arrived on the back-sunroom and now warmth and sunlight are streaming into the kitchen. I love the feeling of the strength of the rays on my face as I type here.

Wrote my father a PDF Father’s Day card and sent to my sister’s email address. I think it is in enough time for him to see it.

I am enjoying myself.

Seems all the distractions of the world wash away when I can sense the sunlight’s radiation on my skin and can sniff and smell the scents of the coniferous forest here when outside early in the mornings walking and working my body’s metabolism. Being willed Ellie-Mae by Blake has been a God-send in my opinion. Gives us both reason to walk off the leash!

Here is yesterday’s meditation; as it speaks to me I pray it does similar for you.
Meditations from the Mat, Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison

Day 143
Society does not want individuals who are alert, keen, revolu-
tionary, because such individuals will not fit into the established
social pattern and they may break it up. That is why society
seeks to hold your mind in its pattern, and why your so-called
education encourages you to imitate, to follow, to conform.
J. Krishnamurti

“I am not in a position to comment on your education. Mine was a mixed bag. On the whole it was helpful. Math in particular, though I found it loathsome at the time, sharpened my wits. History taught me to love and respect the beauty of our collective experience. My graduate program in social work helped me see the extent to which I turned a blind eye to the suffering around me. None of it, however, taught me that the love I seek is my own. I did not learn in school that the deep longing I have for this or that outcome is actually the longing I have to be at peace with myself. This information was not in any classroom I ever entered; rather, it was passed on to me be the sages I encountered later, and by every person who has spoken to me honestly. This wisdom is in the smile of my dog’s eye, it is the very music of the earth, the resounding truth of the ages― and it can only be heard when we are still. I share Krishnamurti’s words with you not to cast aspersions on your education, but to remind you that there is another education waiting for you, and that the teacher will be your heart.”

Remember…remember how you long for this or that outcome? Yes, of course you do and what happens to your being when your logicalness doesn’t pay so well?

This meditation speaks to the wholeness that I pray you find from time-to-time. This non-driven wonder of what Rolf and Katrina speak to in the above meditation. This being peace in the heart― peace with our- selves, regardless of how society shouts at us to do this or that― or else, beware of being smoted!

Have you acquired an ‘old-school’ education on top of your attendances at college or high school? At times my opinion had led me to believe that old-school opens doors in society― and to many extents this has been the case. This being attached to outcomes pretty much kills the peace in the heart.

My healing since Kyle’s death is similar to my metabolism and leg healing. At the outset stunned as I had become last January 16th when I was informed that indeed Kyle was dead my initial educated reaction was; Where am I going to find a replacement for my best friend and confidant…one who KNOWS me inside and will be dispassionate w/ me and honestly speak to me similar to the meditation above? My educated reaction to my leg becoming injured was similar― how am I going to manage to walk and backpack and still be athletic when now the leg is nearly lame? How am I going to be now that my body’s agility has been compromised?

The meditation speaks to me about remembering that this or that desired outcome is a nice system of thoughts and reactions bringing into being a direction that taps my limbic system. Being at peace w/ me has little to do with my education but does have more to do with enjoying myself and entering into the realms of happiness and tranquility. This calm or stillness or serenity is not so quiet. It is whereby the means to smile like Rolf’s dog smiles at him swirls into and around my being. I sense this smile in Ellie’s eye at times and does she worry as about the IRS or the BP oil-rig debacle unfolding in the Gulf? Does she worry how her nails look and which attire to don at which occasion? No! Let me disabuse you of any other notion here.
In my humble opinion it is doing…(asana)…what I love to do, whether it be avocation, occupation, work ,reading noteworthy literature and books, hobby, vocation, volunteering to do something that has benefit for others and exercising my metabolism and allowing my body to work for me. The latter has lots of significance for my living at this time as it has for the past five years. I love exercising
the metabolism the most I suppose. Being stuck inside a mobile as Bob Dylan sang about has served in the past to be one of those teaching sessions that I cast no aspersions toward you folks. Your stuck inside a mobile may well look different from my-stuck. My stuck ness certainly was at times ‘having to go to the job’ certainly was all the street-smarts that helped me to survive and thrive at various eras in my living, however it is the working of my body which brings me peace with me. This working my body’s metabolism culminates with reading and involving my body/mind in the varying avocations made available to me in this American society. I wonder how others w/ less fortunate lives find this peace within their beings. It seems to me to be more important than to dress for success and sip lattes at places where people in America go to be seen.
I am ready for the Trip to AZ now and about the only thing remaining will be timing. The Arid Club is hosting its annual Father’s Day potluck at Morris Park in Lakewood and I liked the atmosphere there last year. Should I attend I will bring a watermelon or two. My Father’s Day obligations are okay, I wrote to my father…outside of this there is not much else other than the 80 mile RT drive to the Club and picnic,; or I can be on the way through the Mtns. of Colorado on my way to NRIM.

This portion of the meditation ―> “… None of it, however, taught me that the love I seek is my own. I did not learn in school that the deep longing I have for this or that outcome is actually the longing I have to be at peace with myself….” And this―>
“Society does not want individuals who are alert, keen, revolu-
tionary, because such individuals will not fit into the established
social pattern and they may break it up. That is why society
seeks to hold your mind in its pattern, and why your so-called
education encourages you to imitate, to follow, to conform.”

― these portions above ring so clear. Clear as the bells here in town tolled on the hour during daylight hours, especially on the weekends. Clear as the coniferous scenting on the breezes and clear as the morning daylight making the night time sky come alive. The so-called education prepared me little.

The longing to be at peace with myself is so clear and abundant today. Today was the clearing in my mind so that I could write about this again. I smile as I pray you are able to, as well. Thank you to these sages and people through-out the timeline of living; who have availed themselves and spoke with me honestly, I’m grateful.

Remember friends―> ‘enjoy yourself’!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

--frost on the narrow-gauge tracks this morning--

June 15, 2010 Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600 ft.
07:58:53, Hours, MDT

...continued hiker's journal...
This meditation seems to sum up some the energy involved― to remaining INSIDE when the distractions are seemingly endless and trying at best―shieldinmg these disturbances does nothing other than make us chronic controllers, correct?

Day 139
Meditations from the Mat

For those who have come to grow, the whole world is a garden.
For those who have come to learn, the whole world is a
university. For those who have come to know God,
the whole world is a prayer mat.
M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

“Relax, and take this in before you practice today. Breathe into these words, this idea. Feel the difference. Most of the time, when I come to the mat, the whole world is a place to confirm my low self-esteem. I come to the mat to strive, to control, to win. Coming to the mat to win, I lose. What if I came to the mat to grow, to learn, and to know God?”

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010 G-town, CO
10:10:04 hours, MDT

…continued hiker’s journal…

fr. Meditations from the Mat

Day 136
You must learn to be still in midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
Indira Gandhi

“For most of us, the asana are a long walk back. I spent years on the mat thinking this was not so for me, because as an athlete I had had a very physical past. As my practice has deepened, though, I’ve become aware that I have had to start where everyone starts, with my relationship to God, my body, and to everything else. The fear that separates me from myself, from God, and from others had separated me from my body as well.

“I realized the truth of this when I finally got to the point where my practice was no longer about results. As long as I was practicing to get somewhere, I was not able to understand where I was. For me, the breakthrough came while I was teaching, and watching my students struggle with this on their mats. As I taught others to become still, my teachings began to seep into my own awareness. I began to see that my practice was just another goal-driven exercise, and not what it was meant to be―the exploration of stillness in action.

“The long walk back has been about experiencing where I am. It’s about remembering my feet in a posture where my focus is elsewhere, learning to delight in the how and when as opposed to the why. The asana are a road map to our true natures. In T.E. White’s children’s classic The Once and Future King, Merlin educates the young Arthur by turning him into one creature after another, so that he may better understand the various aspects of his own nature. This is the journey of the asana. We learn to be calm and still in action, vibrantly alive in stillness”

At times here in the Central foothills of the Rocky Mtns. I sense the God; that this meditation instructs us to, allow in to our awareness.

At times I sense the stillness in repose as well, while walking along the narrow-gauge tracks as has become my habit at daybreak nearly every morning w/ Ellie-Mae.

At times I sense remembering my feet when my focus is elsewhere. I try every time to walk heel-to-toe along one rail or the other. This balancing exercise is not about results as the meditation speaks to but about increasing my body’s awareness internally to remember where my feet are in-the-moment while I look out through my eyes slightly ahead to maintain my gaze.

I notice all the distractions present and it is becoming less of the struggle to allow the distractions to just be. While allowing these myriad distractions to be, i.e. the flitting bird, the insect or Ellie’s body up in front crossing my peripheral vision; my awareness returns again to my feet, my arches and the knees.

It is a lot similar to the job of hod-carrier I held for nearly 18 yrs. Walking a 2x10 or 2x12 plank or an eight quarter x 12 plank while carrying a shovel or bucket of mud or piece of scaffolding or arm load of brick was similar to this meditation― in that I practiced the knowingness―the remembering where my feet were, notwithstanding the distractions registered by my brain. I sense the presence of God not in the customer-service areas of my experience nor in most AA meetings nor at many churches, but in this practice that Rolf and Katrina speak to.

The energy in the body is arriving and after Kyle’s death, it, in my experience has been a shorter way back to myself, considering the shaking-up of my external world since.

Asana practice helps me to remember the simple exercise of bending to the ground to pick something up. This simple physical maneuver helps me to remember that going fast; stooping quickly for the retrieval― is not remembering where my feet are. It is the desire to, the wanting to, stretch the hamstrings and lower back muscle-web and slowly bend and at times extend my belly button and breathe in and allow for the air to fill the lungs all the way down to the navel and then ‘feeling’ the back elongate and the spine stretch― that in my humble opinion brings me back to the God discussed in this meditation.

It is so much more that the intellectual exercise and verbal acclamation that people seem to give through in their ablutions to describe the God that they tell us all about. In my opinion again, I do believe it is asana practice that brings us back to our selfs. And this journeying back seems to be with God.

Whatever God is, that is!

Smile my friends the end is not near!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

...continued hiker's journal...

June 3, 2010, Georgetown, CO
08:19:36 hours, MDT

…continued hiker’s journal…

Memorial Day in Boulder @ the Boulder Bolder was of course refreshing…however I did do something that my metabolism is still paying for. Julie and I at the end of our walking tour of Boulder purchased an ‘eight piece’ baked chicken from the service counter at the Table Mesa King Soopers. My intestines continue to be sluggish attempting to pass the grease and the animal it-self. For the most part the vegetarianism over many weeks and months is suffering. I only suppose that it has to work much harder eating higher on the so-called food chain.

Consequently, my mood is listless and lethargic. My experience has exemplified that eating lower on the food chain w/o so much processed oils and fructose syrups has served to keep my internal mood even… my preference is to try to adhere to this caloric-intake regimen and NOT give-in to the ubiquitous availabilities of processed foods as the so-called ‘convenience’ of American life. This ‘convenience’ is tolling my internal fortitude.

My notion regarding dispassionate friendships has a caveat― this being that the unattached ness or prey to emotional moods will be absent in the maturity of this friendship. The emotional attachments to easy=foods for quick and easy buying in my experience as this notion relates to the topic would be discussable in the mature friendship. Hence the dispassionateness and the verbal and non-verbal cures to NOT buy this sort of thing to satisfy some idea about eating when exhausted. A salad and source of digestible protein would have been much better and USABLE by the metabolism.
Today my intestines removed some of the residue left from Monday’s foray into quick-shop eating. Paying attention does take concerted effort and I’m paying for giving in to the ideas of another whose metabolism is accustomed to customarily eating much higher on the food chain.

Meditations from the Mat, Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison
Day 129

"A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on
the labors or other men, living and dead, and that I must exert
myself in order to give, in measure that I received, and am
still receiving.”
Albert Einstein
“My first spiritual advisor used the phrase “making your bed” to describe the ongoing work of self-care. The eight limbs are a way to make our bed. They are work orders for living well. Having laid out the means for a good life, Pantanjali goes on to define the ends― the purusartha, or four aims of life. Readied for life by our practice, we are able to embrace the purusartha.

“According to the Yoga Sutras, the four aims of life are dharma, artha, kama, and moska. In this instance, dharma is the active observance of spiritual discipline. It is the weaving together of the yamas and the niyamas into a way of life. If dharma is the creation of a life in balance on a spiritual plane, then artha is the creation of a life in balance on the physical plane. Work, family, money―all brought into balance and are in keeping with one’s spiritual values. Kama is enjoyment of the fruits of one’s labors. It is not enough to plant the garden and cultivate it with care; we must set aside time to enjoy it as well. Moska is the final aim of life, liberation. Dharma, artha and kama are our actions; in moska we surrender the fruits of our actions to the universe. We let go of everything and hold onto nothing.

“We are all performing purusartha in our own ways, just as our parents did and our grandparents before them. We do not need yoga in order to work toward a happy, fulfilled life. Yoga simply gives us the outline. The purusartha bring together all the work of this path, while the individual limbs of yoga are the trees. They re like the forest, Use the purusartha as a means to keep sight of the forest as you immerse your self in the trees ahead.”

I get that Kama has been untowardly affected by my reaching into my pockets for a quick buck for a quick meal after a decent activity-day w/ Jules @ the Boulder Bolder. Paying attention to the subtleties of this sort of circumstance will not go unnoticed. Enjoying the so-called garden might have been the creation of TIME to arrange a wholesome meal after the good day exercising on the surface streets there.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010 Georgetown, CO
17:05:16 hours, MDT

…continued hiker’s journal…

Walked w/ Ellie a couple of miles shy of Bakerville this morning. Was out by 05:55 hours and walked up on ‘the bridge to nowhere’ a mile past Plume and turned west/uphill and walked to an old home site. The concrete pilings and cement floor is all that is left. Passed over many braided running creeks from tree line and took a drink often at these.

Again, walked up along the tracks in the valley that separates G-town from Plume. Tossed a stick in the creeks for Ellie and although she did not wash away at times she swam to bring in the stick. She is a good dog. Kyle’s energy in my mind’s eye is embodied in this dog’s animas.

Came back to the house after 11AM and made coffee and stripped down to shorts, sat in back and read more about Ned and Jane walking the pipeline in Alaska. He met a couple that is in recovery and describes his interview w/ the man. Good reading overall. I am enjoying this season of reading narratives.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25, 2010 Georgetown, CO
16:36:22 hours, MDT

…continued journal…

Out around 6 AM temp. was about 30° F.

Continuing the training; some pay for gym memberships inside… the way I see it at this point in life is simply that this man has already paid for it and therefore the whole outdoors is the gym so-to-speak. Besides why work the body and lungs in a ‘controlled environment’?

Walked w/ Ellie up Biddle, scooped her 1st dump into the Denver Post bag and continued on downtown.

Passed through both gates on way up tracks to Plume. The tracks were mainly in the shade and before the sun-up in the valley, therefore atmosphere was cool and comfortable. Threw the stick in Clear Creek at many points and she was not washed away. She is slightly faint-hearted at how white and roily the creek is becoming now that it is running high.

Walked west along US 6 out of Silver Plume to a mine and tailings owned by Jack Pine mines and on all 4s like a crab we walked or better yet scooted down a pile 70 feet down and across the face maybe another 100 feet. The tailings pile must be near as I can reckon maybe a 55% angle and the talus very loose.

Walked back by bike path along-side I-70 to the High Gate Bridge and threw the stick into Clear for Ellie-Mae one last session and then headed in for more coffee and reading a book―> by
Peter Maass Crude The Violent Twilight of Oil.

Nice four hour walk. Plume is approximately 9,100 feet elev.

Sat in chair in back and luxuriated in the warmth of the sun before the inevitable clouds obscured it.

Took a nap, ate lunch and now am finished reading another grip of pages in Walking My Dog, Jane by Ned Rozell.

Nice day today, here at elevation.
Elevation…8,600 feet is cool clear and invigorating.

Friday, May 21, 2010

today is two-thirds through springtime...

May 21, 2010 Georgetown, CO
15:47:56 hours, MDT

… Nice relaxing day…

Took Ellie-Mae for the walk along the tracks before daybreak here on the floor of the valley…Although the sun was shining on the snowfield above tree line it was not quite ‘up’ yet here and the walk besides helping to invigorate my body/mind was just perfect.

The temperature continued down after the sun-up period…was 34° F. approximately 06:20 hours and slightly lower at around 08:30, according to the thermometer nailed to the side of a garage over on Biddle.
The tracks were good, this time I forgot the ‘punch-proof’ toilet paper and although I needed to use some by the so called tunnel between the High Bridge and the next trestle up the line I managed.
I forgot that I might need the blue paper towels.

Punch-proof paper is necessary, don’t you think? The toilet paper companies might do well to provide this item to the consumer; after all― the governmental agencies supply it in some of their lavatory facilities. And it alleviates the distain when a wiper presses the fingertip through in effort for that clean wipe. Is Charmin’s softness all that and a deck of cards? Would not you really like punch-proof instead?

Took a nap and sat out in back in shorts reading sans shirt earlier, reading Walking My Dog, Jane: From Valdez to Prudhoe Bay Along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline by Ned Rozell.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Georgetown Spring snows

May 14, 2010 Georgetown, CO

Snowed again nearly four days in a row, here.

Took Ellie-Mae again along the tracks up to Plume and shot some more snow images from the tracks.
Am continuing the training to help and assist the metabolism to be primed for a North Rim trip, possibly next week.

See posted images.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dispassionate Friends

February 19, 2010
10:54:21 MST, G-town, CO

…continued journal…

I am attracting in a dispassionate unflustered friend.
I am attracting in many dispassionate unflustered friends.
I am attracting in unflustered female friends that I am intimate with AND they are dispassionate with me.
I am attracting in male dispassionate unflustered friends.

I am attracting in both female and male intimate friends with the aim of, when they blow out and become angry…they are not angry at me; not unlike so many people still believe in their brains that they need to be this way and continue to behave in this non-effective style. I fell prey to just this over the last full moon and regret my behavior. It has to say the least …been an eye-opener and at most in my opinion a stage call for action on my part to grow away from such intensities. These intensities turn me into the guy who ‘doesn’t Get-it’ and all that is left to do is get my pc. of chicken at the BBQ and step to the back of the line.

It is too complicating to have immature friends like this in the closest region of my heart these interesting days and nights since Kyle passed; as well My actions are unacceptable to what Shakespeare called―> “To Thine Own Self Be True”.

I need/want/desire dispassionate unflustered female friends that want to be intimate with me and when she or me or both …become angry and disgruntled…..she doesn’t get angry at me but can articulate and not divert her idea while encumbered. I need/ want/ desire the same in males although not sexually.

Above is an affirmation of sorts and an expressed yearning that is the black on the white. I wonder whether you want/aspire for the same?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010
11:37:33 MST, Georgetown, CO

-->continued journal <--
Another notion I entertain is whether you have been so-called environmentally-involved... I mean past the recycle thing that the consumerists laud so loudly. Past the pretty-color-coordinated plastique crates for “all your recycling needs” as the recyclers put it so eloquently; beckoning us all in America to do “OUR PART” what ever that part is.
My best friend Kyle Miller killed himself January 15th, this year and things have been Fucking Interesting as time goes forward.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Soo Not Boulder!

on second thought ... might become a bouncer at a local trailer court bar... i hear the lot lizzards and dirt bags that drink there are soo not Boulder!