February 19, 2010
10:54:21 MST, G-town, CO
…continued journal…
I am attracting in a dispassionate unflustered friend.
I am attracting in many dispassionate unflustered friends.
I am attracting in unflustered female friends that I am intimate with AND they are dispassionate with me.
I am attracting in male dispassionate unflustered friends.
10:54:21 MST, G-town, CO
…continued journal…
I am attracting in a dispassionate unflustered friend.
I am attracting in many dispassionate unflustered friends.
I am attracting in unflustered female friends that I am intimate with AND they are dispassionate with me.
I am attracting in male dispassionate unflustered friends.

I am attracting in both female and male intimate friends with the aim of, when they blow out and become angry…they are not angry at me; not unlike so many people still believe in their brains that they need to be this way and continue to behave in this non-effective style. I fell prey to just this over the last full moon and regret my behavior. It has to say the least …been an eye-opener and at most in my opinion a stage call for action on my part to grow away from such intensities. These intensities turn me into the guy who ‘doesn’t Get-it’ and all that is left to do is get my pc. of chicken at the BBQ and step to the back of the line.
It is too complicating to have immature friends like this in the closest region of my heart these interesting days and nights since Kyle passed; as well My actions are unacceptable to what Shakespeare called―> “To Thine Own Self Be True”.

Above is an affirmation of sorts and an expressed yearning that is the black on the white. I wonder whether you want/aspire for the same?