Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13, 2011, Lakewood, CO
12:49:11, hours MST

...continued hiker’s journal…
Well alright there cowboys and cowgirls―> How do you like yourselves NOW? I used to ask Kyle while he was maturing into the job something similar more often than not. It was this―> OK there Lawman, how do you feel about yourself NOW? Should any of you care to direct your spirit or intellect toward either of these examinations, I will be content to read your responses and give it some reflection. Any- takers?

From a recent letter I wrote…

“Hopefully you find yourself ensconced in some worthy endeavor capable and suiting to your preference or perhaps you will let go and allow things to be as they are...Please forgive my inability to email you, as I haven’t wanted to go higher on the professed resource- chain and pay ‘a provider’ for Internet convenience from my home. [The office schedule keeps me from wanting to go to the library to connect after I am done. Exercise and walking Ellie- Mae come first.]Some of you already know, along with this sentiment; I as well have been engaged long-term to go easier on the resources, food/caloric intake [eating closer to the ground…less processed cheesy-fries and kettle-potted tater chips, etcetera etc.] - more “usable proteins and complex- carbohydrates…” and I gave up sport-shopping long ago. I enjoy creating things for those I know rather than buy in a store, although I love buying food for people as some of you will attest to. Go figure, huh?”
January 2, 2011, Lakewood, CO

Here is today’s meditation which I pray you may take inside with you. Call it the Gift of an Ordinary Day, Katrina Kenison.
Message from Katrina, Feb.13th I've been thinking of this quote all week. It is really what the gift of an ordinary day is all about: "The little things? The little moments? They aren't little." -- Jon Kabat-Zinn

Meditations from the Mat, 2002; Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison
My grace is sufficient for you.
“Pratyahara is a leap of faith. In meditation, our task is fairly simple. Our minds are wedded to the habit of distraction, and we train then to let go of this habit. We move from distraction to direction. In life, it is a lot scarier. We have the habit of doing what our family, culture, friends and spouse think is right, and we have to train ourselves, instead, to listen to our own heart. Even harder is letting go of our habit of acting out of fear. Fortunately, our practice clears things up. We gain an understanding of where we are and where we want to go. Eventually, though, we stand at the edge of the abyss. “I know that I must do X, but what if I fall?” Each of us must face those moments alone and find out for himself. What I have witnessed, experienced myself, and learned from the experiences of others through the ages is that the love that wished you into existence will never let you down.”

Well put is my opinion. How many times in a day’s- time am I so dam distracted that I can not arrive at the mat in a stable frame of mind? How many times? Many indeed. How I need the food, substance and sustenance of the spirit AND from others their gentle reminders to me, to go inside for I am not my job nor am I what you think I should be and visa- versa. I sense you agree?

What is on your reading list? Care to share this as well with me? It does help me understand something of your perspective by looking over your reading list. I ordered three books from the library. They follow:
Alone Together : Why we expect more from technology and less from each other Sherry Turkle.
The Quiet World : Saving Alaska's wilderness kingdom, 1879-1960 Douglas Brinkley.
Know and Unknown: A memoir Donald Rumsfeld.

I’ve been walking Ellie- Mae everyday since I picked her up from her last temporary house. She lasted there since before Christmas until the woman just could not take care of her any longer. Ellie has been turned into a round dog and has been walking more with me. I believe she was a couch- dog without any exercise while she was away. Like the other animals in the Kingdom she requires decent sleep, food and exercise. I am becoming stronger myself; I notice it in the weight bearing joints and leg muscles.

Carrying a case- load is interesting at the clinic. The hours; I am used to now however, this type of 5:30- 2:30 skedge does not allow any time for the things that enrich my spirit. The days are numbered.

The place I’ve rented is not satisfactory as I need a place that accepts Ellie. The manager of the apartments where I am renting has been explicit about no dogs, “even on the weekends.” So the days there are numbered. He has already threatened to sue me for all unpaid rent and stated that the dog is a $6000. dog and hollered at me something about; am I willing to pay all this rent “just for a dog?” Well kids, ever try to squeeze blood from a turnip? Next month I will look.

This manager sure managed to press the jack- ass button.

Things otherwise are okay. I do need/ require some more like- minded people in my everyday living that are not distracted but directed.

Should you have any answers please respond. Enjoy your time and as usual I am grateful for your attention devoted to this effort.