The dog— big
black lab— is aging and goes a lot slower these days. Will bring her over to
G-town on turkey day for a walk up Guanella— to the G-town Water Supply for a
swim. She loves swimming and hopefully the Water Supply will still have an
unfrozen lead in which she may. Ellie- Mae has grown accustomed [I think…] to
the various nick-names I give her as each day unfolds.
- Elwood
- Mae
- Bubbsters
- Bubbers
- big dog
These she
responds to most of the time. And then of course there is—> big black dog.
politicicking is still going on, as is the unfolding propaganda of the marketers.
Now, Hostess Bakeries is going by the wayside after a huge profiteering run.
Sometimes businesses become just too large and greed ridden.
I pay
attention to my INSIDES at different times more than the externals. Not to say
the externals are any less important of a focus. Helps to keep me engaged in
the REAL.
Seems a hiker must!
Be well,