Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23, 2014

Champagne powder— snowed over night, cool single digits and dry this morning for the walk w/ Ellie.

Photosynthesis is fast approaching at this elevation. Usually around the February 6th date and the 12th— this historically has been the time when the larger organisms seem to lose dormancy. Again this year the ground has not frozen— making a two calendar year stretch of vulnerabilities for those trees. They are evermore so prone to disease and stress from infestations.

14° F. now— was approximately 9° around 8:30 MST at the time of El’s walk. Maybe 3- 3+ inches of snow.  But— dry; so tolerable with adequate layers and no wind at all… 

The sun has peeked out now after being cloudy w/ low ceiling earlier— 10:30 MST.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 13, 2014
Reading List:
     Amended**January 14, 2014
  • Utah: Then and Now, Tom Till
  • Potluck: Community on the Edge of Wilderness, Ana Maria Spagna  
  • Trail to the Klondike, Don McCune
  • ** At Home in the West: The Lure of Public Land, William S. Sutton

**  January 14, 2014
Snowing— just the right temperature to walk in… smiles!