June 20, 2011, Lakewood, CO
08:51:54, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…

SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21, 1:16 P.M. EDT― this is tomorrow, my how much change this springtime 2011 has brought on. Have you been changing? I certainly have welcomed the change in attitude and in physical living. Both― with the practice, have assisted me physically and internally.
Tell me something about the media and the brains that want us to consume ever more, okay? What is up with all the targeted advertising to the so- called middle classes and the affluent “shopper?” Advertising ad nauseum so-called “gluten- free solutions?”
And the nuanced newer advertising is all about some new buzz- word called “probiotics.” This includes fermented foods, for instance, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso and brewers yeast. Additionally, dairy products, for example, some cottage cheeses, some unadulterated yoghurts- read without high fructose syrups and sugars- and the kefirs. Apparently these foods help with the body’s inflammatory responses.
Our local Whole Foods retail outlet for one week during their Christmas Season Shopping Rush (CSSR) actually had a cardboard display set up with products showcased as their Gluten- Free Solution line.
Are you being helped by your local grocery store helpers to buy, buy and buy gluten- free? Last year a friend of the family was browsing along inside one of Whole Foods’ stores and I showed her a whole shelf of liquids that the store was self- promoting as gluten- free. This was her 1st apparent notice of this buzz- word marketeering.
A liquid and at that― a so- called Whole Foods store brand― all for $5.99 the pint. A PINT of liquid! Give me a break!
I suppose that the “health- conscious” can be pulled into this slick scheme. On the other hand, the probiotic message has some merit to it, in my opinion.
I hope should hope that should Aldo Leopold, Bob Marshall and the three Muries be alive today that they wouldn’t give more than a fleeting notice to the slick- town marketers. Their diet consisted of foods closer to the weeds after all. Theirs was the day before the slick packaging of ideas, foods we don’t really require and thinly veiled attempts to separate us from the greater eco- systems that have sustained all of us here co- existing on the planet.
There are so many seemingly unlimited cash- cows for the marketed-to amenities economy crowd. With so many more- seemingly wanting, desiring, craving and thirsting in an unhealthy way to acquire the ganglia or cysts of yet more amenities to consume and forsake and then take for granted.
08:51:54, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…

SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21, 1:16 P.M. EDT― this is tomorrow, my how much change this springtime 2011 has brought on. Have you been changing? I certainly have welcomed the change in attitude and in physical living. Both― with the practice, have assisted me physically and internally.
Tell me something about the media and the brains that want us to consume ever more, okay? What is up with all the targeted advertising to the so- called middle classes and the affluent “shopper?” Advertising ad nauseum so-called “gluten- free solutions?”
And the nuanced newer advertising is all about some new buzz- word called “probiotics.” This includes fermented foods, for instance, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso and brewers yeast. Additionally, dairy products, for example, some cottage cheeses, some unadulterated yoghurts- read without high fructose syrups and sugars- and the kefirs. Apparently these foods help with the body’s inflammatory responses.
Our local Whole Foods retail outlet for one week during their Christmas Season Shopping Rush (CSSR) actually had a cardboard display set up with products showcased as their Gluten- Free Solution line.
Are you being helped by your local grocery store helpers to buy, buy and buy gluten- free? Last year a friend of the family was browsing along inside one of Whole Foods’ stores and I showed her a whole shelf of liquids that the store was self- promoting as gluten- free. This was her 1st apparent notice of this buzz- word marketeering.
A liquid and at that― a so- called Whole Foods store brand― all for $5.99 the pint. A PINT of liquid! Give me a break!
I suppose that the “health- conscious” can be pulled into this slick scheme. On the other hand, the probiotic message has some merit to it, in my opinion.
I hope should hope that should Aldo Leopold, Bob Marshall and the three Muries be alive today that they wouldn’t give more than a fleeting notice to the slick- town marketers. Their diet consisted of foods closer to the weeds after all. Theirs was the day before the slick packaging of ideas, foods we don’t really require and thinly veiled attempts to separate us from the greater eco- systems that have sustained all of us here co- existing on the planet.
There are so many seemingly unlimited cash- cows for the marketed-to amenities economy crowd. With so many more- seemingly wanting, desiring, craving and thirsting in an unhealthy way to acquire the ganglia or cysts of yet more amenities to consume and forsake and then take for granted.
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