April 3, 2012, Lakewood,
10:30:20, hours MDT
hiker’s meditation…
Today is a light sand-corn snow
dusting on the high plains adjoining to the Front Range.
Walked with Ellie- Mae the big black lab for her walk… not my walk, but her
See… she gets to not be a round
dog in year 2012 like many other dogs in this consumer society have become—
The cooler temperature is
welcomed as a diversion and the rain turned sleet turned corn- sand snow will
allow the ground covers to green up. Many of the blossoming trees have come out
so a kill- off of crap apples and assorted other non- edibles are likely lost
to the frost coming this evening.
The J.O.B. is now a part-time
thing as some funding has been exhausted. This gives me more mental/ emotional
and some may say spiritual time to breathe and engage less— much less in the
frenetic pace of the Driven.
I need for the sanity of it all—
I need to take a trip onto the Colorado Plateau soon. This month I hope… after
my on- call add- on work is completed for another counselor following Easter
The car is at the AAMCO shop getting
some diagnostic work and hopefully repairs to the electronic sensors and mechanical
valves in its transmission. For those of you that have ridden in or looked at
this car you can imagine my frustration in not being able to make the fix
Remember that 1960 1/2T Fleet
side- 8’ box Ford I drove? I was able to
renew its 292; it’s rear-end pumpkin and keep it in brakes, clutches and slave cylinders
for many years by my own hand. Of course a Motors Manual was of great
assistance and I value that purchase as one of the most useful volumes I EVER
bought. I used this back in the seventies and eighties and it was a great source
that went way beyond Chilton's and Haynes.
This aside; the wet warm humid
air and snow-[as compared to January’s snow] — in early spring is a trigger if
you will. Prompting me to want very much to wake up either in the tent or on
top of a rock ledge or even a long Forest Service- line picnic table and slowly
dump the grounds in the pot for the requisite cowboy coffee. Cowboy coffee with
ersatz creamer has an enlightening taste on the Forest Service line or on your
Public Lands as they are referred to these late days of the American
Somehow for me— for one— Cowboy
Coffee has a primal soothing effect on my brain and its thinker.
Here is a look at Day Ten on the
river sent by Sat phone of a blog I’m following.
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