Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

There are many times, opportunities and occasions to increase stamina and metabolism while in the swing of a multiple day out- and- back. Remember that weather conditions change and may affect your routine… the key to remain in the zone is to observe the mind as it wanders without your permission— as Rolf so eloquently points out.

Meditations from the Mat 
Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison
Day 221

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:29:37, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s meditation…

Below is another meditation from our guy Rolf:
Meditations from the Mat, Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison
Day 220
In the night of all beings, the wise man sees only
The radiance of the Self.
Bhagavad Gita

Leaf fall has begun here at this elevation. The showers of the past evenings are readying the soils at the roots of the trees as they shut down and the phloem slows to a stop for the dormant season. Smells abound; both animal scent and decaying leafs etc. Folks are wearing more clothes and the dew is a noticeable element earlier in the mornings.

Things are okay these days… no emotional emergencies that others are overrunning me with. Nothing is so darn urgent that I can not take time to just Be and respond accordingly.

Things, events and people’s “stuff” takes TIME at times. Rushing around and thinking that there is urgency— to react to every electronic ping, text, email or call is a falsehood in the culture at large. There just is not an emotional emergency that needs the instant reaction that Apple or ATT or the political hacks dictate to us all that we need to react or lose something. Lose what, is my response— lose what?

Seems like the material world Rolf addresses above is the cause of the injustice and related emotional pain, pressure and stresses we experience. Correct?

When was the last time you noticed- that the clamor of the material goods culture did not have this pressure upon you?

The months and years I spent living outside helped me to understand that there are no emotional emergencies that lead one into this type of despair. The culture’s mores and how the parts of this puzzle interact w/ one’s psyche have more to do with one’s despair than living in nature and working the metabolism.  We should heed the sage’s advisement here— that connecting to our own soul is the leading beacon— for those attempting to alleviate the pressures and pain of the encroachment of the Culture. We need the like- minded here, hence the power in practicing asana in a group.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

       “There comes . . . a longing never to travel again...         except on foot.”

                                   ― Remembering / Wendell Berry

Sunday, September 16, 2012

the slowest way is the best way...

I believe this to be true. 

Ever notice that the seasonal changes are in no special hurry and that the animals do not worry about politics and such things?

The hiker uses the tent to sleep in and otherwise uses the hikers on the feet to his or her own advantage. 

your thoughts?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The tranquility of it all... in winter at the River.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day.... The laborer's DAY

Used to hold a local card w/ the Mason Tenders of Mid- town Manhattan/ the Locals in Denver and G. Jct and over in So. Nevada/ Las Vegas long long ago..

taking the DAY is still important to me.

Puttin' Up The Flag