Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015
Grand Canyon; Vault of Heaven, Susan Lamb

“…I came to the Canyon as a naturalist in 1983, to learn and tell the story of the people who lived here centuries ago. Yet in asking ‘how did they live?’ I grew to appreciate more about the plants and animals from the rim to the river, and how the sun, the wind and the rain determined so much about life here then as now. I learned how the very walls of Grand Canyon are part of the answer, and why people might make their homes in such a demanding place.

“Descendants of the Pueblo people who lived here long ago consider Grand Canyon to be where they emerged from a dark and self-centered past into the glorious present. They regard the time they lived here with great reverence. It can be that way for us too. Grand Canyon can draw us out of ourselves and into an awareness of how remarkable our world truly is. Although it is challenging and can be dangerous, the Canyon is inspiring as well. There is something nameless that we all seek, beyond mere survival. The Pueblo people found it at Grand Canyon long ago, as we can today….”

The above passage inspired me to write today.

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