March 20, 2011, Lakewood, CO
13:51:33, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
The Huffington Post Posted: 03-20-11 01:41 PM … [so this means in essence that at 17:21 local time―> here is the moment we’ve been awaiting.]
Sunday, March 20, 2011 marks the vernal equinox, and what many people in the Northern Hemisphere -- particularly the U.S. -- refer to as the first day of spring.
At 7:21 p.m. EST astronomical spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere as defined by International Astronomical Union, though it will be the beginning of fall for those in the Southern Hemisphere.
An equinox occurs twice a year, in March and September, when the center of the Sun crosses directly over the Earth's equator, as the Earth is tilted neither away nor toward the Sun. Many cultures around the world celebrate the equinoxes as special occasions.
While some herald the vernal equinox as the first day of spring, many around the world consider it to actually be the mid-point of spring. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the first day of climatological spring was on March 1, 2011.
Ahh, so it is, Springtime!
Well long time no hiking. What with living in an apartment in Lakewood and paying rent while I have been working, there is a longing I’ve experienced like many of you. This longing is all about what makes us come alive. Remember the statement―> “…go do what it is, that, makes you come alive… [?]…why... because the world needs more alive people.”
The job I now have? Not making me come alive. The job served the purpose. I recertified and found this job during the same week, last September. I learned about the methadone business. I have put my energies into this whole- heartedly and am ready to make a move.
I pray the job or vocation that occupies time in your life is life- giving and assisting in your awareness and helping mature. I’ve given this a whirl with some folks close to me and have found this to be true- that the culture of this work place is punitive and growing is stunted. The pay? Well, I’ve no illusions regarding financial insecurity. I’ve no financial insecurity and am bringing home every two weeks $810. US. I have had to ask a friend of mine to care after Ellie every day now. I walk her every day and this is becoming burdensome for my friend. The landlord’s manager where I pay rent says NO DOGS period. A mistake and I tried to get out of the lease. He told me that he would sue me for the remainder of the lease. I am willing to be sued now. Ellie- (Kyle’s black lab) needs a place that isn’t tentative.
So where is the hiking in the hiking journal? Ahh- ha...such a poignant question.
I need to do some packing and hiking soon, for sanity’s sake if nothing else. I need like- minded folks closer to me and not a job to be saddled with, not a place where I can not take care of Ellie at night. What makes me come alive is being in the environment not thinking about being in it.
Let me state this again― What makes me come alive is being in the environment not thinking about being in the environment. The naturalists know how true this is. This is true for me as well.
I want to hike in on the “old BA” on NRIM, GRCA. I want to feel the metabolism of my body, the body I’m in right now. I want to feel this metabolism after 36 days of packing and hiking. I know it is just this sort of thing that makes me come alive.
What makes me come alive? Good question. I took this image at the head of this entry last vernal equinox on the tracks leading from G-town to Plume. Taking this image made me come alive and made the day well worth it. It is like a saturation point or threshold when we get to get it and this is the sort of thing that helps me get it. Just when you least expect it― the experience of the witnessing occurs.
Your thoughts?
Again thank you for your encouragement and understanding on the path.
13:51:33, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
The Huffington Post Posted: 03-20-11 01:41 PM … [so this means in essence that at 17:21 local time―> here is the moment we’ve been awaiting.]
Sunday, March 20, 2011 marks the vernal equinox, and what many people in the Northern Hemisphere -- particularly the U.S. -- refer to as the first day of spring.
At 7:21 p.m. EST astronomical spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere as defined by International Astronomical Union, though it will be the beginning of fall for those in the Southern Hemisphere.
An equinox occurs twice a year, in March and September, when the center of the Sun crosses directly over the Earth's equator, as the Earth is tilted neither away nor toward the Sun. Many cultures around the world celebrate the equinoxes as special occasions.
While some herald the vernal equinox as the first day of spring, many around the world consider it to actually be the mid-point of spring. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the first day of climatological spring was on March 1, 2011.
Ahh, so it is, Springtime!
Well long time no hiking. What with living in an apartment in Lakewood and paying rent while I have been working, there is a longing I’ve experienced like many of you. This longing is all about what makes us come alive. Remember the statement―> “…go do what it is, that, makes you come alive… [?]…why... because the world needs more alive people.”
The job I now have? Not making me come alive. The job served the purpose. I recertified and found this job during the same week, last September. I learned about the methadone business. I have put my energies into this whole- heartedly and am ready to make a move.
I pray the job or vocation that occupies time in your life is life- giving and assisting in your awareness and helping mature. I’ve given this a whirl with some folks close to me and have found this to be true- that the culture of this work place is punitive and growing is stunted. The pay? Well, I’ve no illusions regarding financial insecurity. I’ve no financial insecurity and am bringing home every two weeks $810. US. I have had to ask a friend of mine to care after Ellie every day now. I walk her every day and this is becoming burdensome for my friend. The landlord’s manager where I pay rent says NO DOGS period. A mistake and I tried to get out of the lease. He told me that he would sue me for the remainder of the lease. I am willing to be sued now. Ellie- (Kyle’s black lab) needs a place that isn’t tentative.
So where is the hiking in the hiking journal? Ahh- ha...such a poignant question.
I need to do some packing and hiking soon, for sanity’s sake if nothing else. I need like- minded folks closer to me and not a job to be saddled with, not a place where I can not take care of Ellie at night. What makes me come alive is being in the environment not thinking about being in it.
Let me state this again― What makes me come alive is being in the environment not thinking about being in the environment. The naturalists know how true this is. This is true for me as well.
I want to hike in on the “old BA” on NRIM, GRCA. I want to feel the metabolism of my body, the body I’m in right now. I want to feel this metabolism after 36 days of packing and hiking. I know it is just this sort of thing that makes me come alive.
What makes me come alive? Good question. I took this image at the head of this entry last vernal equinox on the tracks leading from G-town to Plume. Taking this image made me come alive and made the day well worth it. It is like a saturation point or threshold when we get to get it and this is the sort of thing that helps me get it. Just when you least expect it― the experience of the witnessing occurs.
Your thoughts?
Again thank you for your encouragement and understanding on the path.
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