April 3, 2011, Lakewood, CO
13:53:21, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
A snowy day here in Lakewood. The warm before the storm was yesterday and the day before. Was mid- 80’s yesterday― decent short and no tee- shirt weather. Could feel the intensity of the sun’s radiation. Was 63° F overnight. Walked Ellie over by Bear Creek this morning― she gets to walk in the field grass there and then swim. So you may say I took her swimming. Speaking on swimming― let’s delve into a conversation about hiking into a place to not swim but SOAK. Picture Phantom Creek next month; you know- the easy part to get to? Take a turn west right through Bright Angel Creek and then 75 yds. or so to the pool and lower waterfall. The small fish there last time I spent any time, were having a time nipping at the skin wherever they could get in a nip. What a wonderful feeling. The best part about soaking there (remember- not swimming) is that the optimal time occurs at around the noon hour on acc’t of the narrow high walled canyon from which this creek pours its water. In May, the water should be tepid, and the daylight temperatures warm.

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