Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To gerrymander— to manipulate or adapt to one’s advantage;
Cheat— a deception for profit to yourself.

From The Denver Post— Opinion Page, October 23, 2011—

“…Given the pace of debate on [the] measure… Hearty debate and policy crafted with bipartisan input is what we’d like to see, and what we suspect most Americans would prefer.
We hope that happens. The public would be well- served by more detailed discussions of the policies in this… legislation and less gamesmanship geared toward scoring political points.” 

 The gamesmanship of the Tea- Partiers and the Republican Organ as it appears in today’s American world seemingly gives the impression of brinkmanship, rather than cohesion for the people’s good.

Why all the Brinkmanship— for the moneyed and luxury- classes of financiers and bankers, oil producers and coal transporters and of course the multi- national grocers? Who left them in charge and why is dissent so unwelcome by them? Are the rich now afraid of the poor?

Why at the expense of the middle and lower- classes of Americans? Why?

On another note less divisive— the weather here is changing again. The past three days have been— the proverbial “warm before the storm”. Look at the weather report for the near future. BTW— Indian summer here has been simply a delightful interlude in the coming on of the cooler times.

Went over to Guanella— over the week end and let Ellie swim in the Georgetown Water Supply. This is her favorite walk to— and then swim— for the stick, regime. The air was crisp and the wind was lessened in the afternoon— however bank on it kids— the wind will be with us at that elevation in the near future. There is an invigoration that comes to one’s metabolism at 8600 feet and above when working the body.

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