October 5, 2011, Lakewood, CO
09:21:23, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s meditation…
Today is my Grandfather’s birthday— 1898
Some folks in Consumer- mode bicker. These folks argue, dispute and quarrel emotionally over events, circumstances and happenstances that are largely beyond their control— or they tell themselves so. This emotional quarreling they engage in with others is at once detrimental and seemingly non- harmful, however it tells the story of the malcontented- the groaners that seemingly need to make their emotional touchstones obvious and this permeates the social air as much as a fresh load of mule- crap would do— in your living- room.
What is the way in, one might think as a result of being bombarded with this Culture’s message? The way in to what- some would extract.
The Way- In… the way in to what? Could it be the way inside to the intuitive knowing that is the real freedom from the ego- in essence freeing the mind from itself?
Bombarded with the messages that they are not enough, but should they buy the pontificated- upon object, lotion, potion or service then… and only then will they be enough, or pretty enough or handsome enough or desirable enough or will look just right for the American Way!
Is this message false?
Does this message produce fear in the citizens of this American Consumer- culture? Buy this and you will be safe! Was this not the last Administration’s message to us all and by extension the rest of the folks on the planet with us? Trust us!! [they proselytized and coddled us with.] Trust the military has our safety answers. Do you feel any safer now that your mortgages have paid the bill on the military adventuring over the last 10 years? Those of you who were told to leave your homes and lost those mortgages- do you feel safer? Does the current widget you purchased make your day a few months down the road when it loses its luster?
What of the bickering? Is this what is left to do…BICKER about this and that and relive the past and remain stuck in old ways, stuck still in the negativity of this pattern?
Here is a meditation for your inspection to reflect upon as an avenue- away from the bickering crowd. Does this make a bit of sense to you? Your ideas are welcomed, thanks--
Day 91
Meditations from the Mat, Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison
“The unconscious wants truth. It ceases to speak to those who want something else more than truth.”
Adrienne Rich
“Self- study is an aspect of the practice of truthfulness. Any serious attempt at truthfulness requires us to listen deeply to the promptings of our heart. The truth is usually quite simple, but expressing it is another matter. As I bring higher levels of honesty to my everyday interactions, I am struck by the need to sift through layers of illusion, blame, fear, and manipulation to get at what I really need to say in a given moment.
“The good news is that truth is music to the soul. There is no end to the soul’s ability to bask in the presence of the truth. Millions of people in twelve- step programs sit around in church basements by the hour, listening to one another talk about themselves. It may sound boring, but in fact it is captivating, because people in those rooms are telling the truth. It is captivating because spending time in the presence of others who are telling the truth inspires us to do the same.
“To practice this aspect of self- study, examine the level of truthfulness in your workplace, family and friendships. How much time do you spend in the presence of people who are telling the truth? How much do you spend with people who are not? What is it like when you hear the truth? What is it like when you do not? What fears keep you from being honest? Is it true that like attracts like? Does honesty beget honesty?”
Above was the meditation for your inspection to reflect upon— as an avenue away from the bickering crowd. Does this make a bit of sense to you? Your ideas are welcomed, thanks—
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