February 24, 2012, Lakewood, CO
07:58:24, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…
The disabilities act in the US has a root in the idea regarding comfort and mobility for all, just not the majority in good physical shape and in the pink; but of those folks in the so- called Developed Countries that are in poor health, infirm or unwell. The costs in large part are a portion of the $$ burden borne by the advantaged.
The New Amenities Culture adherents and devotees think no the less on shouldering this burden. In view of the fact that many of this sort are well- to- do and affluent, this added value of cement ramps, handrails and the rest are of little consequence considering the ease and comfort with which they get to use them as well.
What about the rest of the planet’s inhabitants?
Are not the rest of our planet’s residents by and large missing this convenience?
Comes to mind the cities of Boulder and Santa Fe of the western US of A— and their amenities decrees and rulings that bring comfort and succor to all who use the governmental and consumer- outlet entry ways and public toilets.
Brings to mind the health- care conversation here in America concerning the “public mandate”—as well as Governor Romney’s assertion that he will do away with the Davis- Bacon Act. See link following: http://www.dol.gov/whd/contracts/dbra.htm
Seems to me— appears to me, from where I live that the idea regarding comfort and mobility for all is truncated, pruned and trimmed by those well- endowed financially and the heck with the rest.
The governor would have us continuing to pay the financials surrounding the comfort and mobility idea for EVERYONE, and then with his back- office style quietly dismantle the fair wages act for the construction trade workers, journeymen, apprentices and skilled and semi-skilled laborers. Why?
The Amenities Culture along with those that find themselves “choosing a lifestyle” seems to be outwardly promoting mobility and comfort for all however should this idea of theirs—- this idea of social patronage cost them some sweat- some blood or some tears- [to take a phrase from the Rock group of the ‘60s] - then their indignation., ire and rage is heaped upon those that disbelieve. Why the superficial nod to the comfort for all idea to begin with, from them?
For the hiker that takes her or his leave and makes good on the plans to go out there for more than a month, this idea is not lost on them. Are not most hikers similar to many people on the planet that live a minimal financial living- style, when hiking?
Do not most people on the planet live in relative poverty money-wise? Remember when hiking- amenities count the same as hauling a mattress and bedspring set- up, along with. True?
Some equipment is mandatory. The entrapments of the Americanized- Consumer- Culture are not on the mandatory list. True? The hiker requires warmth, dry clothing, sustenance in proportion to effort exerted and a discernment of direction to the goal. True?
The freedom experienced is relative to the mental attitudes taken along with the hiker. Same is true for the Consumer looking for comfort in the material amenities and social culture. The dichotomy, division and gulf here— is one of which nature has its way of persevering over.
The material comforts and psychological inducements to “go green” and buy the ubiquitous 4 dollar and change Grande skinny latte while driving a so- called “greener” Prius seems preposterous, farcical and absurd. Why? Is this where the tent of the wealthy is leading us- to line their stock portfolios?
And then in life and death matters— why did they manipulate the mortgages to pay for military adventuring in countries that have fossil fuels? To make the barons ever wealthier? Is this the aim, to stuff their portfolios? What portfolio stuffing goes on while on the 20- 25 mile a day march? And for the intermediate athlete- what portfolio stuffing goes on during the arduous buildup to this when trying to become proficient in those early weeks of 8-to- 17 mile days?
I take leave here to ask for your thoughtful comments.
see link below: