Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012

Sometimes the hiker finds that post trip, all she/ he can think of is getting back out there!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:03:04, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…
Current Reading List:
·         Conquering the Impossible, My 12,000 Mile Journey Around The Arctic Ocean/ Mike Horn

Am reading Horn’s narrative and he after pulling the sledge through the Siberian Plain befriended a stray husky and named it Arctos.  He mentioned that this dog became his best friend sleeping outside his tent every night.

The cloud cover arrived approximately 08:15 MST this morning and with it a general change in windiness and humidity. Briefly it corn- snowed, smaller than is usual more like vermiculite. Then it stopped completely and so has the general windiness.

Now, the sun has peeked out again! Oh the changeable weather.

Was a splendid quiet morning before the dawning of the sun and remembering last evening at around 19:30 MST the moon and two planets in the western sky were aligned! What a grand show the celestials put on, it seemed just for my eyes. Walking out of the office— this sight and along with the tinnitus in my ears—- the buzz of electricity that is nearly with me all the time— helped me sense that indeed we are one.

Ellie- Mae seems to be aging faster these weeks of the waning winter season. She at times now follows rather than leads when seemingly her mood is one of wanting to walk anywhere else but HERE! She is a good walking companion and soon on the anticipated short trip to the Colorado Plateau- a hiking companion consummate.

Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24, 2012, Lakewood, CO
07:58:24, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal… 

The disabilities act in the US has a root in the idea regarding comfort and mobility for all, just not the majority in good physical shape and in the pink; but of those folks in the so- called Developed Countries that are in poor health, infirm or unwell. The costs in large part are a portion of the $$ burden borne by the advantaged.

The New Amenities Culture adherents and devotees think no the less on shouldering this burden. In view of the fact that many of this sort are well- to- do and affluent, this added value of cement ramps, handrails and the rest are of little consequence considering the ease and comfort with which they get to use them as well.

What about the rest of the planet’s inhabitants?
Are not the rest of our planet’s residents by and large missing this convenience?

Comes to mind the cities of Boulder and Santa Fe of the western US of A— and their amenities decrees and rulings that bring comfort and succor to all who use the governmental and consumer- outlet entry ways and public toilets.

Brings to mind the health- care conversation here in America concerning the “public mandate”—as well as Governor Romney’s assertion that he will do away with the Davis- Bacon Act.   See link following:

Seems to me— appears to me, from where I live that the idea regarding comfort and mobility for all is truncated, pruned and trimmed by those well- endowed financially and the heck with the rest.

The governor would have us continuing to pay the financials surrounding the comfort and mobility idea for EVERYONE, and then with his back- office style quietly dismantle the fair wages act for the construction trade workers, journeymen, apprentices and skilled and semi-skilled laborers. Why?

The Amenities Culture along with those that find themselves “choosing a lifestyle” seems to be outwardly promoting mobility and comfort for all however should this idea of theirs—- this idea of social patronage cost them some sweat- some blood or some tears- [to take a phrase from the Rock group of the ‘60s] - then their indignation., ire and rage is heaped upon those that disbelieve. Why the superficial nod to the comfort for all idea to begin with, from them?

For the hiker that takes her or his leave and makes good on the plans to go out there for more than a month, this idea is not lost on them. Are not most hikers similar to many people on the planet that live a minimal financial living- style, when hiking?

Do not most people on the planet live in relative poverty money-wise? Remember when hiking- amenities count the same as hauling a mattress and bedspring set- up, along with. True?

Some equipment is mandatory. The entrapments of the Americanized- Consumer- Culture are not on the mandatory list. True? The hiker requires warmth, dry clothing, sustenance in proportion to effort exerted and a discernment of direction to the goal. True?

The freedom experienced is relative to the mental attitudes taken along with the hiker. Same is true for the Consumer looking for comfort in the material amenities and social culture. The dichotomy, division and gulf here— is one of which nature has its way of persevering over.

The material comforts and psychological inducements to “go green” and buy the ubiquitous 4 dollar and change Grande skinny latte while driving a so- called “greener” Prius seems preposterous, farcical and absurd. Why?  Is this where the tent of the wealthy is leading us- to line their stock portfolios?

And then in life and death matters— why did they manipulate the mortgages to pay for military adventuring in countries that have fossil fuels? To make the barons ever wealthier? Is this the aim, to stuff their portfolios? What portfolio stuffing goes on while on the 20- 25 mile a day march? And for the intermediate athlete- what portfolio stuffing goes on during the arduous buildup to this when trying to become proficient in those early weeks of 8-to- 17 mile days?

I take leave here to ask for your thoughtful comments.

see link below:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

for the hiker...
"There's only one problem with the idea of using food, or a lack thereof, to detox: Medical experts say it's baloney. What's most ironic about the detox myth, they say, is that the body is already quite capable of eliminating toxins – a gift from human evolution."

Pay attention to the last two lines in body of the piece.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012, Lakewood, CO
08:30:35, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…

Remember to look at the diet over time… search the eating habit for deviations in the sustenance, nutrition and nourishment the metabolism requires… as well locate where the exercise regimen has eroded over time. These factors contribute largely to the Depressive mood dynamic. Over time depression sets in and looking here to search and locate this erosion of healthful routine will pay its dividend in ways you will remember.

The best practice may be to give the routine several weeks of conscious focus and concentrated effort to move the metabolism up a notch or two. As we know already this will benefit the spirit/ mind and body continuum.

This notch may be the sustained heart rate of 114-118 for 40- 45 minute segments.
Conversely, should the metabolism already be in this healthful category, remember to rest the body on Day 6 and 7.

On another note for the hiker—
The sun is stronger today; the azimuth of the Sun is now higher in the sky at this latitude 39° N.

The Weather Is Changing!

Some migratory birds are around, though not many yet. The song can be heard in some of the various bushes and trees already. Soon the green grass shoots will be noticeable along the Southern exposures, especially directly in front of the buildings facing the South. Photosynthesis is beginning again!

Who feels it in the bones to go out there and get in a few nights in the tent?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bruno Mars Performance Grammys 2012

February 13, 2012

And the line I like is about 1:50 into the clip where he tells the audience… “…so let’s get off your rich asses and have some fun…come on y’all…”

This band has the rhythm to dance slow to a fast dance, is high energy and is one of those performances that moves it to another place. I pray you will love this as much as I did while watching it on the TV last night.

The megaphone is a nice touch as well.

My friend Kyle is he were here would most likely say… “This sh- -  is over the top, counselor.”



Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10, 2012
Mos Def

This rapper has the beat that on occasion helps with the hike. The beat helps.
I smile now…

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 2012, Lakewood, CO
09:20:58, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…

Yes— it would appear that Ellie- Mae is getting a wear- out of a time with her post- holing in chest deep snow— however she is NOT!

Although she pushes snow with her chest when there is not a crust upon the top, she tires easily on account of her right hind quarter. She is in good shape for all the life she has experienced to date and frankly seems to enjoy her walking/ loping/ post- holing out- of- doors. She is not ROUND as most sub- division dogs are these days in America. She has slowed some of her dominance at times with other dogs and cats— and on the same token has not slowed this show amongst the skunks, brown squirrels, cattle and some horses. She has slowed up considerably and her jumping off the ground is no longer from the standing position… she is still capable when running a full- gainer to LEAP full- length football player style to try and catch the tennis ball thrown out in front of her.

Anyway things here are the same.
No big huge emotional emergency to cope with, no drama that sucks my energy to contend about and best of all no enormous load of horse- crap to make go away!

          I’ve found that getting used to the experience I have in the world is just the way it is… my experience. Nothing more, nothing less— it is just my personal intimate experience of the world with me in it- that is happening.

Some ideas, circumstances and events bring me heightened emotions or emotional responses other things similar are just ho-hum. Politicking and machine politics has me concerned from time to time as does the lousy building standard that seemingly has affected this part of the city- region. All things equal, most days are decent experiences and other times they just are things that need more diligence and attentiveness from me to discern the seed from the chaff.

Am interested in following along on your daily journeying- w/living as you deem it appropriate…until then….   

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012, Lakewood, CO
09:55:03, hours MST
                                                           ...continued hiker’s journal…       

…three tips from a hiker’s blog…  

For the thru- hiker…

  • Don’t waste too much thought on “comfortable camping gear”. Thru-hiking is mostly about hiking and not so much about camping. Camping is just something you do at the end of the day after you eat and before you wake up early the next morning and walk some more. Because you spend more time on your feet than in your shelter it is better to have a comfortable pack than a comfortable camp.
  • Be prepared for the kind of weather that is common where you are hiking. Most long distance backpacking trails are hiked from late Spring through early Fall, which means “three season” conditions. Although freak weather does occur, even in summer, it is a waste of time (and weight) to try and be prepared for every possible occurrence.
  • Despite your best intentions, you will probably start out with too much gear. This is normal because you don’t know exactly what you’ll need yet. As time goes on and you figure it out, get rid of gear that you are not using regularly. Also, do not hesitate to replace unsatisfactory gear with better alternatives (even though it was expensive to buy).

Today was a morning to wake up to!  Champagne Powder. There is a place I’m thinking about near
by the Devil’s Canyon Forest Service Campground in the Abajos that gets this type of snow and when hiking around there— you find— it is you, the animals and of course the birds.

The pull of the natural world seems omnipresent there when the Snow is in the air!

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012

Went post- holing across the crusted snow- field yesterday. Early morning was cooler than it has been. Between 8- and 10° F. — and underneath the snow-crust the snow was not granular yet— as it had stopped snowing the day before. Ellie had a time of it and she needed encouragement to stop from giving up. She at first loped and after maybe 50 yds. of the loping she slowed to a crawl using my footsteps to reconnoiter through this field. We post- holed maybe a thousand or more yds. then it was off to locate a stick and retrieve it from Bear Creek.

Interestingly enough on account of the lower temperatures she lasted only four times. She turned white with frost and icicles, as the water froze onto her fur.  

Breaking trail made for a good workout.

I need to look at some winter season tents, which will stand up to catabatic winds.
Additionally, I am getting the itch again to go out there for a decent winter through- hike.

This is the dead of winter at this point and by the end of the week the azimuth of the sun will change again, heralding photosynthesis at Latitude 39° N. The full Snow Moon right now  is Waxing Gibbous and 98% of Full. Saw it this morning before sun up. There is something about waking up in the brilliance of this moon outside that invigorates the soul, that's why my longing to be out there!

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3, 2012, Lakewood, CO
12:58:44, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…
... a snow- event on the Front Range…

There is a quietness that comes as you would expect to the natural world when it snows a lot more than usual.

I sense you know about this quality?
I encourage you to immerse yourself in its unique gilded- edge.
