February 28, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:03:04, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…
Current Reading List:
· Conquering the Impossible, My 12,000 Mile Journey Around The Arctic Ocean/ Mike Horn
Am reading Horn’s narrative and he after pulling the sledge through the Siberian Plain befriended a stray husky and named it Arctos. He mentioned that this dog became his best friend sleeping outside his tent every night.

The cloud cover arrived approximately 08:15 MST this morning and with it a general change in windiness and humidity. Briefly it corn- snowed, smaller than is usual more like vermiculite. Then it stopped completely and so has the general windiness.
Now, the sun has peeked out again! Oh the changeable weather.
Was a splendid quiet morning before the dawning of the sun and remembering last evening at around 19:30 MST the moon and two planets in the western sky were aligned! What a grand show the celestials put on, it seemed just for my eyes. Walking out of the office— this sight and along with the tinnitus in my ears—- the buzz of electricity that is nearly with me all the time— helped me sense that indeed we are one.
Ellie- Mae seems to be aging faster these weeks of the waning winter season. She at times now follows rather than leads when seemingly her mood is one of wanting to walk anywhere else but HERE! She is a good walking companion and soon on the anticipated short trip to the Colorado Plateau- a hiking companion consummate.
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