February 14, 2012, Lakewood, CO
08:30:35, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…
Remember to look at the diet over time… search the eating habit for deviations in the sustenance, nutrition and nourishment the metabolism requires… as well locate where the exercise regimen has eroded over time. These factors contribute largely to the Depressive mood dynamic. Over time depression sets in and looking here to search and locate this erosion of healthful routine will pay its dividend in ways you will remember.
The best practice may be to give the routine several weeks of conscious focus and concentrated effort to move the metabolism up a notch or two. As we know already this will benefit the spirit/ mind and body continuum.
This notch may be the sustained heart rate of 114-118 for 40- 45 minute segments.
Conversely, should the metabolism already be in this healthful category, remember to rest the body on Day 6 and 7.
On another note for the hiker—
The sun is stronger today; the azimuth of the Sun is now higher in the sky at this latitude 39° N.
The Weather Is Changing!
Some migratory birds are around, though not many yet. The song can be heard in some of the various bushes and trees already. Soon the green grass shoots will be noticeable along the Southern exposures, especially directly in front of the buildings facing the South. Photosynthesis is beginning again!
Who feels it in the bones to go out there and get in a few nights in the tent?
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