Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bad Conditions

July 8, 2010, Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600’
12:06:03, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
Bad conditions…

Ellie-Mae injured herself really badly. She limps and cries when trying to sit up from lying down.
Although the braids of Clear are lowering dramatically as the brief summer respite envelops the high country here, the hidden rocks and obstacles both in the stream bed and along the banks present muscle and joint straining dilemmas for a retriever dog that runs headlong w/ a narrow focus on retrieving the stick.

Ellie managed to at best a strain her left foreleg at worst a torn or separated tendon or ligament. Gave her an aspirin, a 220 mg. naproxen sodium tablet and a chondroitin sulfate pill mixed in w/ a milk bone and some cereal. She is resting like an elk in the big living room. I felt her leg and she does not exhibit tenderness to my touch or probing. The bones do not seem to have been broken and there are no external injuries noticeable. However, the animal has black short hair so any black and blue markings are not visible.

I was worried as she bit hard onto the last stick retrieval and walked the stick in her mouth uncharacteristically for between a 1/10th and 2/10ths of a mile before finally letting it go. She limped the nearly ½-6/10th of a mile back to the house after letting go of the stick. The stick consumed some mental energy for her as it weighed about 5 pounds and was quite round [larger than the average bicep flexed].

It is in the higher power’s power to help her rehab now.

The daily walk was the usual and until Ellie heals from her injury it will be slow for her on the walks. The walks will be truncated until then.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brief summer at elevation

July 7, 2010, Georgetown, CO; elev. 8600’
12:03:20, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
Cloudiness in and out…seems unsettled out here. If my mom’s mom were alive; today is her birthday and she would be 117 y.o.

Usual walk w/ Ellie up to High Gate and over to Lebanon mine and back. Clear Creek is slowing way down…threw the stick in three places for her… She loves the water!

Received the following via email, enjoy!

The conductor of the orchestra is Andre Rieu from Holland. The young lady, her trumpet and her rendition of TAPS makes your hair stand on end.Many of you may never have heard taps played in its entirety, for all of the men & women that have died for you to have the freedom you have in America. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss and I guarantee you'll never forget. Amazingly beautiful.

Melissa Venema, age 13, is the trumpet soloist. Here is Taps played in its entirety. The Original version of Taps was called Last Post, and was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801. It was rather lengthy and formal, as you will hear in this clip, so in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and re-named Taps on a trumpet whereby the original was played on a bugle. Enjoy!
[Attached icon is active, double click it and it will open in media player…as well please find this hyperlink to your emotional taste]

Raining now and guess what? The wildflowers are changing guard w/ the passing of this brief high altitude summer. Thundering too… oh how I love the elements at this elevation.

Oh, and remember to Enjoy your-self. After all the shopping and coffee sipping and driving and cell-phone yakking it is really all you have left to do…is not the self…your-self worthwhile enough to enjoy? Who inhabits your-real-self under the skin? Enjoy yourself…Remember Rule 62―>> don’t take yourself so seriously… Smiles to you and yours.