Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day after Labor Day

September 7, 2010, Denver, CO
09:36:42, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…

Over the past few days we accomplished a small thing in the big-scheme of things.
…Still foreclosed-upon and homeless w/ a financial burden― that most consumers may find intolerable if it were THEM― is where we are in this interesting picture. Enough said amigos/…okay then here is the skivvy―>

DORA, the Dept. of Regulatory Agencies for the State of Colorado is the next step in re-certifying the CAC III certification I hold but allowed to lapse July, 2007. The training site took another $30. Friday and re-signed two of three certificates of completion for required classes to re-certify the credential. The credential will open a door into the Mental Hlth/ Drug/ Alcohol arena so that I may earn some $$ in the counseling game again.

As I type, the training site office girl is at her desk hopefully, [remember Pema Chodron says there is no hope …only action], remembering at some point in her day today to have this last training certificate signed by the trainer she related to me would be on-site there, this day after Labor Day. Then w/ three of three certificates and the required ppw and Jurisprudence Exam answer sheet in hand …I’m on my way downtown to hand deliver my ppw packet to recertify. This done…whenever it occurs will be a small step keen on becoming solvent and w/aquiring the means to leasing a place for me and homeless dog.

Homeless dog finds her self in a decent position. This being that she is a non-resident of the car for now and she is sleeping outside in the back yard of a house Julie is house-sitting here in Denver.

For this month so far it has not rained on her although she is mildly disgruntled I believe when the automatic lawn sprinklers come on in the still dark early morning hours. She barks the forlorn WOOF when she has to get up from her out-in-the-open Elk-resting position and move to drier digs. I spoke w/ Julie about the necessity involved to help Ellie-Mae keep her body dry in the event of the rain that is sure to come this month. We will investigate if she has keys to the garage in order that Ellie may stay dry in there.

Although I have not many doláres US left from the pay-out on the Morgan Stanley acc’t I hopefully will be able to have faith in the way things are and find the situation unique, only one of a kind and distinctive as I live in the moment and practice all the asana and breathing that goes into keeping energies clean, clear and coherent on the inside so I can stand in truth no matter what the outsides bring on. Are you following?

Are not all things living temporary in the bigger picture? I am trying to do God’s will for me and I pray that He provides me the inner wherewithal to observe the consequences of my human act.

Next item of business―> Where the hell is the Punch-Proof toilet paper? Ever notice the advertising, marketeering and promotion to the consumers regarding how soft the toilet-paper IS? Gee-whiz Wally give me a break. What we need is punch-proof not softer ‘more absorbent’ punch-through toilet paper. Who really cops to loving it when they poke the finger through the paper trying to wipe?

Thank you for seeing this through, your thoughtful comments may be helpful. Oh and not least but last…please go easier on the resources.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

If a man has done his best, what else is there?

September 2, 2010, Lakewood, CO
10:10:51, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
[Temporarily foreclosed upon and homeless with an 80-90 lb. dog in my care]

57° @ 08:00 Hours, MDT this morning outside. The weather/temperature is varying as the shift into autumn is taking its shape once again here in the middle latitudes.

Today’s meditation seems synchronistic to the situation that Homeless Dog [pronounced Homeless Doge] and myself find our-selves in today. See if this rings true for you as well…okay?

Day 166―
Meditations from the Mat, Gates and Kenison.

“If a man has done his best, what else is there?”
George S. Patton Jr.

“Because of my asana practice, I experience a deeper level of dignity in my life. Over and over again, I show up on my mat just not in the mood. Something has not gone my way, or I may simply be tired. In any case, my heart is not in it. But I start anyway. At these times, I appreciate the fact that I start with fifteen minutes of reclining pranayama, because I can fling my weary body down and lie flat on my back, arms outstretched. I stay with the breath, move through the exercise, connect to the expansiveness in my chest. I perform one sun salutation, and then I say the ancient mantra “om’ three times. “Om” is the name, sound, and vibration of divinity. I experience the name, sound and vibration of God in every cell in my body. I “om” my powerlessness, I “om” my gratitude, I “om” to end suffering of all beings. Then I begin. Some days it turns around and I get a surge of energy; some days it doesn’t. It doesn’t really matter. If I complete my practice, which is most days, I can step back and let go. I have done my best. What else is there?”
TIME…T.I.M.E. Things I Must Earn… This meditation reminds us to trust in the process and remind ourselves that when not reminded from the OUTSIDE that we have an INSIDE process that w/ practice of course and an active seeking of God’s will for us― that we can slow down and go slowly with integrities that many look to us to possess. This integrity may be doing the INSIDE work that spiritual practice leads us through. We clean house and make changes in our businesses, our approaches and stand in truth. However, it is not lost on the practitioner, me and hopefully YOU that this internal housecleaning has not-a-thing to do w/ acting-as-if in the greater Industrial-Consumer Society that America has become.

Homeless Dog and I will be temporarily given shelter at Julie’s house-sitting situation in Denver for this month. As well on the horizon is my re-certification process with DORA so that I may cobble-together and concoct a plan for on-call counseling work in Denver Metro. As soon as DORA approves my pending re-certification I will knock on doors. I intend to gain some provisional position useful in the short-term and more permanent as time goes on― one that has benefits― possibly w/ Corrections or Judicial. Time will tell, right?

Externally, the funds from the IRA have exhausted. The last 5½ yrs. living on approx. 15k per yr. is something that I recommend to you and by extension to your friends to do while you are still young and your body is still in shape. I regret none of my mistakes, joys and lessons learned since retiring at 54 y.o.
I found a food bank and the nutritional help is valuable.

The inner work presently points to this approach--> to go with the way things are in efforts to release the emotional drama that at times I’m seemingly pulled into. I remind myself to practice and do my best to release and ‘feel’ that surge of energy that this meditation speaks to. Some days I don’t, however this seems like the pathway w/ heart, integrity and truth for me and Ellie-Mae-the-homeless-dog.

The people in my life that COUNT― I have let in and they have given me gifts of awake ness and consciousness. Some who are emotionally afflicted and spiritually sick tip-toe around their own lives and others and are really of no benefit for the Inside work that this meditation seems to get in touch with. These folks are on the outer circle of acquainting and those who are present in their own lives are closest to me while Ellie-Mae and I navigate this position of becoming foreclosed upon and subsequently homeless w/ a financial burden.

This weekend in Denver is the AA State Convention and I will attend again as I have over many years. Next weekend is Kyle’s memoriam and tree-planting at the Summit County District Courthouse as well as an Arid Club member’s AA birthday and BBQ at his home. Julie and I will attend to the three, in between my trying to gain a transitional position in the field and gather some funds for a lease somewhere here in the area.
As the meditation relates it really doesn’t matter whether we feel a surge in energy…what matters most is that the practitioner completes the practice and then steps back to let it go and then go on in the Society w/ integrity. Make sense to you kids?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Foreclosed upon w/ homeless dog

September 1, 2010, Lakewood, CO
15:46:12, hours MDT
...continued hiker’s journal…
[Temporarily foreclosed upon and homeless with a 90 lb. dog in my care]

Well okay there kids, how are things INSIDE? Interesting how so much of this consumer-society here in America is strongly-focused upon things OUT THERE and External to our INNER being or spiritual side. I must remind myself or better yet be reminded to slow it down and seek the intrinsic/ intuitive answers or I become distracted like the rest of them out here.

This distraction becomes one of going fast and losing concentration. I learned a valuable lesson from my sister 20 or so years ago― about going fast never returns its weight in gold.

I emailed Robin over at Odyssey Training to request her assistance in documentation for DORA regarding the re-certification. I emailed Alan about the foreclosed upon and homeless situation in which I find myself these days.

Remember, things events and situations are temporary and we…and by extension I, have nothing to be ashamed for. Doing work on a spiritual path has helped my standing in truth and it has the effect of making me come Alive. For this I am grateful.

Remarkable as a hiker’s journal is…I am not hiking but typing as the living situation remains fluid and my sojourn from working in a career is coming to a halt. I look ahead to finding useful work in the field and over time acquire a position w/ benefits― Along-side with finding an adequate place to lease here in Denver Metro somewhere where Ellie-Mae and I will be non-homeless as we find ourselves now. I do have faith in the way things are and find it interesting.

Do you suppose this means evolving-in-spirit?