Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5, 2013
There is something about arriving in a less congested place on the planet that after the necessary days of time… so- to- speak— one ARRIVES.

Arrives in the very moment that the instilled culture— the dominant modern society— has fought hard to distract us from. This arrival is the arrival to our intuitive senses.

One can not capture this sense of things and hold onto the sense of feeling one with the natural order of things when consistently distracted by the trappings of the affluent amenities American culture.

— Photosynthesis has begun here at this latitude— while out walking, one notices the new green shoots of grasses. They are now about ¾ of and inch in spots.  The pungent odor of the skunk is in the air! Some song birds are back and the intensity of the sun is felt.

This morning there were the lenticular clouds off to the west!
Sarah Wheeler has it coined— see below.

