Friday, March 23, 2012

Sun up- Colorado Plateau 2009

Look at this link, thanks.


Friday, March 16, 2012

look at this blog link.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Am here and longing to go.

I need a tenter- outer on the Colorado Plateau and may squeeze in a weekend somewhere soon.
I have found since I learned about living outside that living outside replenshes the Spirit and emotional stability that the city- living bleeds away from the everyday awarenesses that I’ve come to enjoy and require.

I continue to implore those with a hankering to go, to go out there and experience what is, like their lives depended on doing just that.

I suppose I will always beseech those with a bent toward exploring their limits. This is a by- product of my experience. 

 Now we have MDT and here- the migratory birds are arriving, the temperatures are moderating and it is becoming warmer out there. Photosynthesis  has begun.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:10:19, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…

Are you unfettered by credit card debt and staggering mortgage payments or time-share condo schemes? The lycra- clad sprocket jocks have their place in bagging another trophy; and the Grandé skinny- Latte sippers of the tidy- whitey suburbanized elitist Coffee shops have their 4G networks working for them as they tweet and text- away. All have their place under the tent of the so- called late American Experiment.

Current Reading List:
·         Conquering the Impossible, My 12,000 Mile Journey Around The Arctic Ocean/ Mike Horn

Finished Horn’s through- hiker’s expedition narrative. Goes with saying that over the twenty- seven months he traveled on a survival journey; he was exposed to raw political affairs, traveled by kayak, sailboats, pulled the sledge and skied with a kite, snow-shoed pulling the sledge over around and through pressure ridges. He was befriended many times by local people of the Canadian, Siberian and European Arctic. He survived setting his tent on fire at -60F. Suffered frostbite numerous times and lived out there above the Arctic Circle for two polar winters in a row.

The 2 year 3 month non-motorised circumnavigation of the Arctic Circle

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:15:12, hours MST
Elevation at center: 5,446 feet (1,660 meters)
Quad: Fort Logan

Drg Name: o39105f1
Drg Source Scale: 1:24,000
Projection: NAD83/WGS84 

...continued hiker’s journal

As we’ve been talking— today the skunk could be identified by the scent. First scent on the air this winter.
Photosynthesis is taking on the beginnings hue of spring. The temperature this morning has moderated some and yesterday was the 1st day shirtless. Getting in some winter time sun at this elevation and latitude is a welcomed relief from all the layers needed to keep warm. Sounds as though a few more migratory birds are singing as well.

The dog, Ellie- Mae is going slower today… she went for the stick over in Bear Creek yesterday and grew tired early on. This morning she tired early- on going after the  ball.

Remember the object is to pause when confused and as a routine try to listen to the happenstances of the natural world as a method to relax from all the intellectualness this political-sized industrial complex has heaped upon our society here these late days of the American Experiment. Remember too, that it is not how well one performs but rather what shape one is in as a result of experiencing another moment on the planet. Do be fooled by the promises of yet more trinkets, esteem and fame. After all there are very few U-haul trailers following the hearse at the end. So many Americans think it is all about them— one has not to look too far to see. Look at the so- called republican ‘’debates’’, for a glaring example.

Do these garish shows dazzle the through- hiker?

Thank you for your comments and any thoughts otherwise regarding new gear you have constructed that you think appropriate to pass on.

Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:48:35, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…

Nice day it is turning out to be today.

As we've been talking with reference to the weather— over the past three weeks conditions have been changing. The moon, Venus and Jupiter have aligned in the western evening sky already and photosynthesis is now working with the buds of the trees and scrubs. Some migratory birds are already cheep cheeping and chirping otherwise. The call of the fox was heard last week and before long the scent of the skunks will be around.

The cars still whizz around seemingly in endless procession to deliver the almighty dollars to the altars of the commercial- outlet capitalists. In return these drivers are bequeathed with yet another dollar- reliever; this time— the time and trip on into the gas station. The motorcade goes on ad infinitum. Along with the automobile movement is the all-pervading universal disturbance of the peace and quiet. The tires on the pavement and the steady whirling noise of the larger arteries here in this part of the city- region.

Living in G-town- at least I had been able to escape the nerve- wracking noise by walking a short distance up Guanella Pass Road. I miss living in a more rural area. All those years on the Western Slope and living at elevation along the Front Range in Ned, Ward and Rollinsville has made the imprint on my psyche. I love the quietude in these more rural and less busy places. 

Like you, I call for quiet time in the everydayness of the American experience, not borne from endless miles in the automobile to Trail- Head Parking and THEN enjoy some quiet, but to just walk out the back door INTO the QUIET!

There is a difference, you know. This difference has fed the soul countless times.