Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A cool day altogether-

Got up- good sleeping weather. Had turned off gas heater and was mid 60s in the house when rising. Fed old Ellie- Mae and then bundled up enough for a RT walk with her to post office— maybe 2 miles or so on the surface streets and lots. Quiet out there… the way we love it when a weather event like this one sets upon us!

Was 8 degrees and broke a sweat so had to unpeel so to speak and then continued on a bit slower so as to not soak up inside the layers. Was actually quite comfortable. Now temperature rose a degree or so  is holding steady @ 10° F.

Interesting note here is that with proper gear low temperatures are ok and not a hassle.

It snowed some— you know the dry sand snow particles. Was champagne powder last night at the outset. Maybe less that four inches-- and-- Ice- fog
A little much for the “three season” tent but w/ the right winter tent I think the next few days would be a welcomed respite from the omnipresence and ubiquity of the American subdivision cultura. The culture— is everywhere; and few and far between are the ONES that know. —about the solitude afforded those on the winter schedule outside.

The first arctic weather front is upon us and without a decent soaking for the trees —a second year in a row. Last year the ground did not freeze either and the trees are stressed by the drought conditions. They are more prone –again- to infestations.

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