Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22, 2011, Lakewood, CO
13:58:58, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal… 

What follows is my letter to a man who took the Road Less Traveled:

Remember to pause… then breathe… and then go on from here slowly… How is your diet?

Your kind sentiment is not lost on me and I dare say so; otherwise you would not know this although I sense you get it big time.
You did the growing inside and although you were ‘‘helped” — it was your mind/body/intellect and spirit that matured and I believe it true when I write to you that—> Although you may have emotional emergencies from time to time you are reaching a better outcome on account that the AOD use and abuse is a circumstance of the past and that you understand viscerally that any emotional response is a temporary thing.

The true test of the pudding is in the longer range composite of putting the pieces in place coherently. The pulls of the emotional lobbying, the politicking or media purveyors are just that and nothing more. Sound bites, superficiality and news- cycles do not count in the personal growth circles. In the growing business— thoughtful discussion followed by still thoughtful action is what we are after, here. It does go with saying that seeking out the folks in the practice and being amongst them will give clarity to our visions and benefits to our communalness and in turn to our individualities.

Leave the national election puppeteering, Exxons, Morgan Stanleys, Coal mining conglomerates and Railroading CEO’s out of the mind. They have their places in the front of the money line.

Let’s leave this propagandizing, proselytizing and garnering to those that sit on the circus tent floor. We have other mindful things to think and ponder about.

The so- called 1% is being badgered to death in the media, although the message is sound, logical and reasoned. Imagine the saddened state of affairs should AA’s message be harassed ad infinitum as is the Occupy Wall Street message— and being debased to boot. 

Sometimes all we can do in the old camera- checkable fashion is to stay true to our convictions and give them a voice. Remember the Price of Loyalty to the truth— there is ALWAYS retribution to contend with as a result.  Our job is to live through the retribution and record it for posterity, however keep the keen sharp eye and practice on the goal. 

All the posturing can not give one a sober mind and neither can the swaggering candidates of the opposition party challenging the current national administration.  The salient point is complex but understandable; it is through our growing processes and activities that we can, in a real sense, be of some useful value to humanity at large. 

Go forth gently my friend…       

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