Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012, Lakewood, CO
10:48:35, hours MST
...continued hiker’s journal…

Nice day it is turning out to be today.

As we've been talking with reference to the weather— over the past three weeks conditions have been changing. The moon, Venus and Jupiter have aligned in the western evening sky already and photosynthesis is now working with the buds of the trees and scrubs. Some migratory birds are already cheep cheeping and chirping otherwise. The call of the fox was heard last week and before long the scent of the skunks will be around.

The cars still whizz around seemingly in endless procession to deliver the almighty dollars to the altars of the commercial- outlet capitalists. In return these drivers are bequeathed with yet another dollar- reliever; this time— the time and trip on into the gas station. The motorcade goes on ad infinitum. Along with the automobile movement is the all-pervading universal disturbance of the peace and quiet. The tires on the pavement and the steady whirling noise of the larger arteries here in this part of the city- region.

Living in G-town- at least I had been able to escape the nerve- wracking noise by walking a short distance up Guanella Pass Road. I miss living in a more rural area. All those years on the Western Slope and living at elevation along the Front Range in Ned, Ward and Rollinsville has made the imprint on my psyche. I love the quietude in these more rural and less busy places. 

Like you, I call for quiet time in the everydayness of the American experience, not borne from endless miles in the automobile to Trail- Head Parking and THEN enjoy some quiet, but to just walk out the back door INTO the QUIET!

There is a difference, you know. This difference has fed the soul countless times.


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